Job 7


Chapter 61 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 8


7 <1> "People have a hard struggle on earth.

Their life is like that of a hired worker.

<2> They are like a slave looking for cool shade,

or a hired worker waiting for payday.

<3> Month after frustrating month has gone by.

I have suffered night after night.

<4> When I lie down, I think,

'How long before it's time to get up?'

The night drags on.

I toss and turn until the sun comes up.

<5> My skin is covered with worms and caked with dirt.

It is cracked and covered with sores.

<6> "My days pass by faster than a weaver's shuttle,[20]

and my life will end without hope.

<7> God, remember, my life is like a breath.

I will not get a second chance to enjoy it.

<8> Those who see me now will never see me again.

You watch me for a while, but then I am gone.

<9> Just as clouds that come and go,

people are put in the grave, never to rise again.

<10> They don't come back to their old homes.

The people there wouldn't recognize them.

<11> "So I will not be quiet!

I will let my suffering spirit speak!

I will let my bitter soul complain!

<12> Am I one of your enemies?

Is that why you put a guard over me?[21]

<13> My bed should bring me comfort.

My couch should give me rest and relief.

<14> But when I lie down you scare me with dreams,

you frighten with visions.[22]

<15> So I would rather be choked to death

than to live like this.

<16> I hate my life-I give up.

I don't want to live forever.

Leave me alone!

My life means nothing!

<17> God, why are people so important to you?

Why do you even notice them?

<18> Why do you visit them every morning

and test them at every moment?

<19> You never look away from me

or leave me alone for a second.

<20> You watch over people.

If I have sinned,

what could I do to you?

Why did you use me for target practice?

Did I become a problem for you?

<21> Why don't you just pardon me for doing wrong?

Why don't you just forgive me for my sins?

Soon I will die and be in my grave.

Then you will search for me, but I will be gone."
