Job 21


Chapter 201 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 22


Job Answers

21 <1> Then Job answered:

<2> "Listen to what I say.

Let that be your way of comforting me.

<3> Be patient while I speak.

Then after I have finished speaking,

you may make fun of me.

<4> "I am not complaining against people.

There is a good reason

why I am not patient.

<5> Look at me and be shocked.

Put your hand over your mouth,

and stare at me in shock!

<6> When I think about what happened to me

I feel afraid, and my body shakes!

<7> Why do evil people live long lives?

Why do they grow old and successful?

<8> Evil people watch their children grow up.

Evil people live to see their grandchildren.

<9> Their homes are safe, and they are not afraid.

God does not use a stick to punish evil people.

<10> Their bulls never fail to mate.

Their cows have healthy calves.

<11> Evil people send their children out

to play like lambs.

Their children dance around.

<12> They sing and dance

to the sound of harps and flutes.

<13> Evil people enjoy success during their lives

and then go to their grave without suffering.

<14> But evil people say to God,

'Leave us alone!

We don't care what you want us to do!'

<15> They also say,

'Who is God All-Powerful?

We don't need to serve him!

It will not help to pray to him!'

<16> "True, evil people don't make their own success.

I cannot follow their advice.

<17> But how often does God blow out the light of evil people?

How often does trouble come to them?

When does God become angry with them and punish them?

<18> Does God blow the evil people away,

like the wind blows straw,

like strong winds blow the grain husks?

<19> But you say,

'God punishes a child for their father's sins.'

No! Let God punish the evil people himself.

Then those evil people will know that they are being punished for their own sins!

<20> Let them see their own punishment.

Let them feel the anger of God All-Powerful.

<21> When their life is finished, and they are dead,

they will not care about the family they leave behind.

<22> "No one can teach knowledge to God.

God judges even those in high places.

<23> One person dies after living a full and successful life,

a life completely safe and comfortable,

<24> with a body that was well fed

and bones that were still strong.

<25> But someone else dies after a hard life, with a bitter soul,

never having enjoyed anything good.

<26> In the end, both of these people

will lie together in the dirt.

The worms will cover them both.

<27> "But I know what you are thinking,

and I know you want to hurt me.

<28> You might say:

'Show me a good man's house.

Now, show me where evil people live.'[46]

<29> "Surely you have talked with travelers.

Surely you will accept their stories.

<30> Evil people are spared when disaster comes.

They survive when God shows his anger.

<31> No one criticizes evil people

to their faces for the bad things they have done.

No one punishes them for the evil they have done.

<32> When those evil people are carried to the grave,

they will have someone to watch over their graves.

<33> So even the soil in the valley will be pleasant for them,

and thousands of people will join the march to their graves.

<34> "So you cannot comfort me with your empty words.

Your answers don't help at all!"
