Job 34


Chapter 331 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42Chapter 35


34 <1> Then Elihu continued his speech. He said:

<2> "Listen to what I say, you wise men.

Pay attention to me, you smart men.

<3> Your tongue tastes the food it touches,

and your ear tests the words it hears.

<4> So let us test these arguments

and decide for ourselves what is right.

Together we will learn what is good.

<5> Job says,

'I am innocent,

and God is not fair to me.

<6> I am innocent,

but the judgment against me says that I am a liar.

I am innocent,

but I have been hurt very badly.'

<7> "Is there any other person like Job?

Job does not care if you insult him.

<8> Job is a friend of evil people.

He likes to be with the wicked.

<9> Why do I say that?

Because Job says, 'You will gain nothing

if you try to please God.'

<10> "You men can understand, so listen to me.

God would never do what is evil!

God All-Powerful would never do wrong.

<11> He will pay you back for what you have done.

He gives us what we deserve.

<12> This is the truth:

God does not do wrong.

God All-Powerful is always fair.

<13> No one chose God to be in charge over the earth.

No one gave God responsibility for the whole world.

<14> If God decides to take away

his spirit and his breath of life,

<15> then everything on earth will die,

and all people would become dust again.

<16> "If you men are wise,

you will listen to what I say.

<17> A person who hates to be fair cannot be a ruler.

Job, God is strong and good.

Do you think you can judge him guilty?

<18> God is the one who says to kings,

'You are worthless!'

He says to leaders,

'You are evil!'

<19> God does not respect leaders

more than other people.

And he does not respect the rich

more than the poor.

God made everyone.

<20> People can suddenly die, in the middle of the night.

They can get sick and pass away.

Even powerful people die for no apparent reason.

<21> "God watches what people do.

God knows every step they take.

<22> There is no place dark enough

for evil people to hide from God.

<23> It is not up to people

to set a time to take God to court!

<24> God does not have to ask questions

when people do wrong,

even if they are powerful leaders.

He simply destroys them,

and chooses others to take their place.

<25> When he learns

what people have done,

he defeats them and overnight they are gone.

<26> He will punish bad people

because of the evil things they did.

And he will punish them

where others can see it happen.

<27> He will do this because

they rebelled against him

and ignored what he wanted.

<28> They hurt the poor

and made them cry to God for help.

And he hears that cry!

<29> But if he decides not to help them,

no one can judge God guilty.

If he hides himself from people,

no one can find him.

He is the ruler over peoples and nations.

<30> And if a ruler causes people to sin,

God will remove him from power.

<31> That will happen unless he says to God,

'I am guilty. I will not sin anymore.

<32> God, even if I cannot see you,

please teach me the right way to live.[84]

If I have done wrong, I will not do it again.'

<33> "Job, you want God to reward you,

but you refuse to change.

It is your decision, not mine.

Tell me what you think.

<34> A wise person would listen to me.

A wise person would say,

<35> 'Job talks like an ignorant person.

What Job says doesn't make sense!'

<36> I think Job should be punished even more,

because he answers us like an evil person!

<37> He adds rebellion to his other sins.

He sits there insulting us and arguing with God!"
