Psalms 83


One of Asaph's songs of praise.

<1> God, don't keep quiet!

Don't close your ears!

Please say something, God.

<2> God, your enemies are getting ready to do something.

Those who hate you will soon attack.

<3> They are making secret plans against your people.

Your enemies are discussing plans against the people you love.

<4> The enemies are saying,

"Come, let us destroy them completely.

Then no one will ever again remember the name Israel."

<5> God, all those people have joined together.

They have united against you.

<6-7> Their army includes the Edomites, the Ishmaelites,

the Moabites and Hagar's descendants,

people from Byblos, Ammon, and Amalek,

the Philistines, and the people living in Tyre.

<8> Even the Assyrians have joined them.

They have made Lot's descendants very powerful.


<9> God, defeat them just as you defeated Midian.

Do what you did to Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River.

<10> You destroyed them at Endor,

and their bodies rotted on the ground.

<11> Punish their leaders as you did Oreb and Zeeb.

Do what you did to Zebah and Zalmunna.

<12> They said, "Let's make this land our own-

these fields of grass that belong to God!"

<13> Make them like tumbleweeds[476] blown by the wind.

Scatter them like the wind scatters straw.

<14> Be like a fire that destroys a forest,

or like a flame that sets the hills on fire,

<15> and chase them away with your blasts of wind;

frighten them with your storms.

<16> Lord, cover them with shame

until they come to you for help.

<17> Scare them and make them ashamed forever.

Disgrace them and break them down.

<18> Then they will know that your name is Yahweh[477]-

that you alone are the Lord.

They will know that you are God Most High,

ruler over all the earth!

