[1] 1:1 Or, "The one who does not follow the advice of the wicked or turn onto Sinners Road or stay at Scoffers' House is blessed."

[2] 1:4 chaff The seed coverings and stems separated from the seeds of plants like wheat or barley. Farmers saved the seeds but let the wind blow the useless chaff away.

[3] 1:5 Or, "The wicked will not be allowed to sit as judges nor sinners in the meeting of good people."

[4] 2:2 the king he chose Or, "his anointed one."

[5] 2:6 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[6] 2:7 I have become your father Literally, "I fathered you." Originally, this probably meant God was "adopting" the king as his son.

[7] 2:12 Show . his son Literally, "Kiss the son."

[8] 3:12 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[9] 3:2 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[10] 3:7 Lord, get up The people said this when they lifted the Box of the Agreement and took it into battle with them. This showed that God was with them. See Num. 10:35-36.

[11] 3:8 victory Or, "salvation."

[12] 4:8 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[13] 4:8 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[14] 4:2 Honorable men Literally, "Sons of man." This is probably a term of respect spoken to the leaders who were judging the writer of this psalm.

[15] 4:2 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[16] 4:4 be angry Or, "be upset" or "be excited."

[17] 4:5 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[18] 4:6 I wish . blessings Or, "Who will show us good. Lift up on us the light of your face, Lord."

[19] 5:8 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[20] 5:8 Psalm 5 For the flutes This might be the name of a tune instead of a type of instrument.

[21] 5:8 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[22] 5:4 Or, "You are not a God who likes evil people, and they don't respect you."

[23] 5:5 Fools Here, this means someone who does not follow God and his wise teachings.

[24] 5:7 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[25] 5:9 They use . others Or, "They say nice things to others, but only to trap them."

[26] 6:12 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[27] 6:12 sheminith This might be a special instrument, a special way of tuning an instrument, or one of the groups that played harps in the Temple orchestra. See 1 Chron. 15:21.

[28] 6:12 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[29] 6:3 Lord . heal me Literally, "As for you, Lord, how long?"

[30] 7:10 Psalm 7 song Literally, "shiggayon." This probably means a song full of emotion.

[31] 7:10 Psalm 7 Kish Or, "Cush."

[32] 7:4 friend Or, "ally," a person or country that has agreed to help another person or country.

[33] 7:5 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[34] 7:6 Lord, get up The people said this when they lifted the Box of the Agreement and took it into battle with them. This showed that God was with them. See Num. 10:35-36.

[35] 8:17 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[36] 8:17 gittith This might be a type of instrument, a tune, or a performer in the Temple orchestra such as Obed Edom from Gath (the Gittite). See I Chron. 15:21; 16:4-7.

[37] 8:17 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[38] 8:4 people . people Literally, "man . son of man" or "Enosh . son of Adam." This is a Hebrew way of saying humans-descendants of Adam and Enosh.

[39] 8:5 people Literally, "him." This is still talking about "man" and "son of man" and can be understood as one person or as all people.

[40] 8:6 their Literally, "his."

[41] 9:9 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[42] 9:9 Psalm 9 Alamoth of Ben This might be the name of a tune, On the Death of the Son, or a song for the ceremony of when a boy becomes a man, or it might refer to one of the orchestral groups in the Temple. See 1 Chron. 15:20.

[43] 9:9 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[44] 9:11 Sing . Zion Or, "Inhabitants of Zion, sing praises to the Lord." See "Zion" in the Word List.

[45] 9:14 gates of Jerusalem Literally, "Gates of Daughter Zion."

[46] 9:16 Higgayon Or, "Meditation." This may mean a time to think quietly during the song.

[47] 9:16 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[48] 9:19 Lord, get up The people said this when they lifted the Box of the Agreement and took it into battle with them. This showed that God was with them. See Num. 10:35-36.

[49] 11:18 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[50] 11:3 Or, "What if the foundations of society were really destroyed?

[51] 11:6 hot, burning wind This is like the hot fire a worker uses to melt silver and separate it from the worthless things that are left.

[52] 11:7 They . him Literally, "They will see his face."

[53] 12:7 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[54] 12:7 sheminith This might be a special instrument, a special way of tuning an instrument, or one of the groups that played harps in the Temple orchestra. See 1 Chron. 15:21.

[55] 12:7 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[56] 12:5 I will rescue . hurt them Or, "I will rescue poor, helpless people who were hurt and asked me for help."

[57] 13:8 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[58] 13:8 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[59] 13:1 refuse to accept me Literally, "hide your face from me."

[60] 14:6 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[61] 14:7 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[62] 14:7 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[63] 14:7 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[64] 14:7 Jacob's people . prosper again Or, "The Lord's people were taken away as captives, but he will bring them back. Then Jacob (Israel) will be very happy."

[65] 15:7 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[66] 15:1 Holy Tent The special tent where the people of Israel worshiped God. Here, it is probably the Temple in Jerusalem.

[67] 15:1 holy mountain Mount Zion, the hill in Jerusalem where the Temple was built.

[68] 15:4 If they . promised Or, "They promised not to do bad things, and they do not do bad things."

[69] 16:5 miktam The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a well-arranged song."

[70] 16:3 gods Literally, "holy ones." This can also mean, "angels," or "true followers of God."

[71] 16:3 Or, "<2>I said to the Lord, 'Lord, you are my Master. Every good thing I have comes from you.' <3>The Lord does wonderful things for his followers on earth. The Lord shows he really loves them."

[72] 16:6 share Or, "section of land."

[73] 16:6 inheritance Here, this probably means the land each Israelite received.

[74] 16:7 mind Literally, "my kidneys."

[75] 16:8 Literally, "I set the Lord before me always."

[76] 16:10 rot . grave Literally, "see decay."

[77] 17:11 Psalm 17 A prayer of David Or, "A prayer dedicated to David."

[78] 17:8 pupil The center of the eye, which everyone wants to protect.

[79] 17:13 Lord, get up The people said this when they lifted the Box of the Agreement and took it into battle with them. This showed that God was with them. See Num. 10:35-36.

[80] 17:15 you Literally, "your likeness."

[81] 18:15 Psalm 18 This song is also found in 2 Sam. 22.

[82] 18:15 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[83] 18:2 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[84] 18:2 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[85] 18:2 by his power I am saved Literally, "He is the horn of my salvation."

[86] 18:4 place of no return That is, "death."

[87] 18:15 Or, "and a breath of wind came from your nostrils."

[88] 18:31 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[89] 18:46 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[90] 18:50 the one he has chosen Literally, "anointed one."

[91] 19:50 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[92] 19:50 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[93] 19:1 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[94] 19:2 Or, "[Like the changing of the guards,] each day passes the news to the next day and each night passes information to the next night."

[95] 20:14 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[96] 20:14 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[97] 20:1 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[98] 20:2 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[99] 20:3 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[100] 20:3 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[101] 20:7 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[102] 21:9 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[103] 21:9 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[104] 21:2 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[105] 21:9 Or, "You will make your king like a burning oven when you come to help him, Lord. And in his anger, he will completely destroy them."

[106] 22:13 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[107] 22:13 Psalm 22 The Deer of Dawn This is probably the name of the tune for this song, but it might refer to a type of instrument.

[108] 22:13 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[109] 22:3 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[110] 22:4 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[111] 22:14 My courage is gone Literally, "My heart is melted in me like wax."

[112] 22:15 mouth Or, "strength."

[113] 22:16 pack A group of dogs. Dogs travel together in packs to hunt and kill other animals for food.

[114] 22:16 They . feet Or, "Like a lion, my hands and feet."

[115] 22:18 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[116] 22:21 Protect me . horns Or, "You have answered me and protected me from the bulls' horns." This could be both a prayer for help (like the first half of the psalm) and also a statement that God had answered this prayer (like the second half of the psalm).

[117] 22:23 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[118] 22:23 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[119] 22:26 come eat . satisfied This person was giving a thank offering that would be shared with other people at the Temple. This was how someone shared their happiness when God blessed them. See Lev. 3:1-5 and Deut. 14:22-29.

[120] 22:26 be happy Literally, "live."

[121] 23:31 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[122] 23:1 I will always have everything I need Literally, "I will lack nothing."

[123] 23:3 good paths Or, "paths of goodness."

[124] 23:4 valley . grave Or, "death's dark valley" or "a very dark valley."

[125] 23:4 rod and staff The club and walking stick a shepherd uses to guide and protect his sheep.

[126] 23:5 You . guest Literally, "You anointed my head with oil."

[127] 23:6 house Or, "Temple." See "Temple" in the Word List.

[128] 23:6 I . long time Or, "I will return, again and again, to the Lord's Temple for a long, long time."

[129] 24:6 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[130] 24:3 Lord's mountain Mount Zion, the hill in Jerusalem where the Temple was built.

[131] 24:4 my name Literally, "my soul."

[132] 24:6 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[133] 24:6 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[134] 25:10 Psalm 25 In Hebrew, each verse in this psalm begins with the next letter of the alphabet.

[135] 25:1 I put . hands Literally, "I lift my soul to you."

[136] 25:3 traitor A person who turns against his or her own country, friends, or family and does anything to help their enemy.

[137] 25:15 he . troubles Literally, "He removes my feet from the net."

[138] 25:22 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[139] 26:4 hypocrite A person with wrong motives who pretends to be good.

[140] 26:8 house Or, "Temple." See "Temple" in the Word List.

[141] 26:8 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[142] 26:12 I am safe . assembly Or, "I stand on level ground, blessing the Lord when your followers come together." This probably carries the double meaning of being safe from danger and being on the platform with the other priests and Levites calling the people to come together and worship God.

[143] 27:4 palace A large house built for a king. Here, it is the Temple.

[144] 27:5 tent The place where God lives among his people. Here, it is the Temple in Jerusalem. Earlier, it was the Holy Tent where the people worshiped God before the Temple was built.

[145] 27:6 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[146] 27:13 before I die Literally, "in the land of the living."

[147] 28:14 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[148] 28:1 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[149] 28:2 Most Holy Place Literally, "holy of holies," the most important room in the Holy Tent or the Temple, where the Box of the Agreement was kept. It was like a throne room where God sat as king of Israel and where the high priest entered into his presence on the Day of Atonement.

[150] 28:8 chosen one Or, "anointed one." This might be anyone God has chosen in a special way, but it is usually the king he chose.

[151] 28:9 honor them Or, "forgive them." Literally, "lift them up."

[152] 29:9 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[153] 29:1 heavenly angels Literally, "sons of gods." This probably means God's angels who are pictured here as priests worshiping him in heaven.

[154] 29:1 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[155] 29:2 special clothes The special clothes people wore when they went to the Temple to worship God.

[156] 29:6 Sirion Or, "Mount Hermon."

[157] 29:8 Kadesh Desert A desert in Syria. This might also mean "the holy desert."

[158] 29:9 deer Or, "oak trees."

[159] 30:11 dedication The act of dedicating something to God. See "dedicate."

[160] 30:11 Psalm 30 A song . Temple Or, "A psalm. The song for the dedication of the house. Dedicated to David."

[161] 30:4 name Literally, "memory" or "memorial."

[162] 30:7 I felt . defeat me Literally, "You placed me on the strong mountains."

[163] 31:12 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[164] 31:12 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[165] 31:2 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[166] 31:2 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[167] 31:5 life Literally, "spirit."

[168] 31:16 Please . servant Literally, "Let your face shine on your servant."

[169] 32:24 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[170] 32:1 erased Or, "covered over" or "atoned."

[171] 32:4 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[172] 33:2 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[173] 33:3 new song Whenever God did a new and wonderful thing for his people, they would write a new song about it.

[174] 33:9 And if . stops Or, "He gives the command, and it stands!" The word "stand" can mean "stand forever" or "stop."

[175] 34:22 Psalm 34 In Hebrew, each verse in this psalm begins with the next letter of the alphabet.

[176] 34:22 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[177] 34:5 You will be accepted . be ashamed Literally, "Look at him and shine. Don't let your face be pale."

[178] 34:8 Give . show you Literally, "Taste and see ."

[179] 35:2 buckler A shield large enough to protect the whole body.

[180] 35:5 chaff The seed coverings and stems separated from the seeds of plants like wheat or barley. Farmers saved the seeds but let the wind blow the useless chaff away.

[181] 35:5 wind This may be a wordplay, because the Hebrew word also means "spirit."

[182] 35:11 witnesses People who tell what they have seen or heard. Here, these people were probably telling lies.

[183] 35:13 sackcloth A rough cloth made from animal hair that people sometimes wore to show sadness.

[184] 35:19 Surely . plans Literally, "Will the people who hate me freely wink their eyes?"

[185] 36:28 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[186] 36:7 angels Or, "gods."

[187] 36:10 true to you Or, "honest hearted."

[188] 37:12 Psalm 37 In Hebrew, each verse in this psalm begins with the next letter of the alphabet.

[189] 37:3 be dependable Literally, "shepherd faithfulness."

[190] 37:31 they . right Literally, "his steps will not slip."

[191] 37:38 forced to leave the land Or, "destroyed." Literally, "cut off."

[192] 38:40 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[193] 38:40 Psalm 38 for the day of remembrance The ancient Greek version has "for the Sabbath."

[194] 38:10 I am going blind Or, "My eyes have lost their sparkle." Literally, "Even the light of my eyes is no longer with me."

[195] 38:12 rumors Hurtful stories about someone that other people tell without knowing if the stories are true.

[196] 39:22 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[197] 39:22 Psalm 39 To Jeduthun Or, "To the director, Jeduthun," one of the three main temple musicians. See 1 Chron. 9:16; 16:38-42.

[198] 39:22 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[199] 39:1 will keep . closed Literally, "guard my mouth with a muzzle."

[200] 39:5 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[201] 39:6 Our life . mirror Or, "This life is not real-it is only a shadow" or "People wander around in the dark-not knowing what will happen."

[202] 39:12 I live . time Literally, "I am a settler."

[203] 39:13 Leave me alone Or, "Stop looking at me."

[204] 40:13 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[205] 40:13 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[206] 40:1 called Or, "waited patiently."

[207] 40:2 grave Literally, "pit of destruction." That is, "Sheol," the place of death.

[208] 40:2 muddy place In many ancient stories, Sheol, the place of death, is a dark place with mud all around, like a grave.

[209] 40:3 new song Whenever God did a new and wonderful thing for his people, they would write a new song about it.

[210] 40:4 demons and false gods Or, "proud and deceptive people."

[211] 40:6 you made me understand this Literally, "you have dug my ears." The ancient Greek version has "you prepared a body for me."

[212] 40:6 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[213] 40:6 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[214] 40:6 sin offering Or "purification offering," a sacrifice that was offered to God to remove impurities from sin and make a person fit to worship God.

[215] 40:9 victory Or, "goodness," or "righteousness."

[216] 40:13 Run . me Or, "Please, Lord, rescue me!"

[217] 40:16 Praise the Lord Literally, "The Lord is great" or "May the Lord be magnified."

[218] 41:17 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[219] 41:17 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[220] 41:1 Or, "Those who teach the poor will be very fortunate."

[221] 41:13 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[222] 41:13 Amen A Hebrew word meaning "That's right," "True," or "Yes." It is used to express strong agreement with what has been said.

[223] 42:13 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[224] 42:13 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[225] 42:1 Or, "As a deer stretches out to drink water from a stream, so my soul thirsts for you, God."

[226] 42:4 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[227] 42:6 small hill Or, "Mount Mizar."

[228] 42:7 Lord, your waves . over me These word pictures describe the psalmist's feelings about the many troubles the Lord has allowed him to experience."

[229] 42:8 the God of my life Or, "my living God."

[230] 42:9 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[231] 44:5 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[232] 44:5 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[233] 44:1 fathers Important ancestors of the Jewish people, especially the leaders of the tribes of Israel.

[234] 44:4 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[235] 44:8 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[236] 44:19 jackal A kind of wild dog that stays where there are no people. Jackals usually hunt together in a pack.

[237] 44:25 This shows that the people were being treated like slaves who must bow down to their masters.

[238] 45:26 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[239] 45:26 Psalm 45 To the tune of Shoshanim Or, "On the Shoshanim."

[240] 45:26 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[241] 45:4 right arm This pictures God as a warrior-king. The right arm symbolizes his power and authority.

[242] 45:6 God This might be a song to God, as king. Or here, the writer might be using the word "God" as a title for the king.

[243] 45:7 chose . friends Literally, "poured the oil of rejoicing on you over your friends." This refers to the special oil kept in the Temple and used in the dedication of kings, priests, and prophets.

[244] 45:8 myrrh Sweet-smelling sap from the bark of trees or other plants that was used for perfume and also to prepare bodies for burial. Mixed with wine, it was probably used to relieve pain (Mk. 15:23).

[245] 45:8 aloes The oil from a sweet-smelling wood that was used to make perfume (Ps. 45:8; Prov. 7:17) or the bitter juice from a cactus-like plant that was used to prepare bodies for burial (Jn. 19:39).

[246] 45:8 cassia The fragrant dried flowers of the ancient cinnamon tree that were used in anointing oil and as perfume.

[247] 45:9 bride Or, "queen."

[248] 45:10 My lady Literally, "Daughter."

[249] 45:11 husband Or, "master."

[250] 46:17 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[251] 46:17 Psalm 46 alamoth This might be a special instrument, a special way of tuning an instrument, or one of the groups that played harps in the Temple orchestra. See 1 Chron. 15:21.

[252] 46:3 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[253] 46:7 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[254] 46:9 shields Or, "chariots."

[255] 47:11 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[256] 47:4 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[257] 47:4 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[258] 47:7 songs of praise Literally, "maskil." See the Word List.

[259] 48:2 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[260] 48:2 true mountain of God Literally, "the summit of Zaphon." In Canaanite stories, Mt. Zaphon was where the gods lived.

[261] 48:3 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[262] 48:8 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[263] 48:9 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[264] 48:14 forever Or, "even through death."

[265] 49:14 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[266] 49:7 bribe Here, this means offering a gift or sacrifice so that God will not punish a guilty person.

[267] 49:10 stupid people Or, "animals."

[268] 49:13 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[269] 49:15 life Literally, "soul."

[270] 50:2 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[271] 50:2 God . beauty Or, "God shining from Zion is absolutely beautiful."

[272] 50:6 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[273] 50:7 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[274] 50:8 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[275] 50:8 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[276] 50:14 thank offering A special fellowship offering that people gave to praise God and thank him for doing good things for them. A part of the animal being offered was burned on the altar, but the people ate most of it in a fellowship meal at the Temple. See Lev. 7:11-26.

[277] 50:18 adultery Breaking a marriage promise by committing sexual sin.

[278] 51:23 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[279] 51:23 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[280] 51:7 Remove . pure Literally, "Cleanse me with hyssop." This plant was used to sprinkle blood or water in a purification ceremony after something or someone had been contaminated by sin.

[281] 51:14 spare . death Or, "don't consider me guilty of murder."

[282] 51:16 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[283] 51:17 someone . obey you Literally, "a broken and crushed heart."

[284] 51:18 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[285] 51:19 the kind . you want Or, "the offering of righteousness."

[286] 51:19 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[287] 52:19 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[288] 52:19 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[289] 52:2 hired killer Literally, "sharpened razor."

[290] 52:3 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[291] 52:5 home This means the body. This is a poetic way of saying God will destroy you forever.

[292] 52:5 He . roots and all Literally, "He will root you up from the land of the living." This also means "He will kill you and your descendants."

[293] 52:8 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[294] 52:9 speak your name Or, "I will trust your name."

[295] 53:9 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[296] 53:9 Psalm 53 mahalath This is probably a musical word. It might be the name of a tune, or it might mean to dance and shout.

[297] 53:9 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[298] 53:5 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[299] 53:6 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[300] 53:6 Jacob's people . prosper again Or, "The Lord's people were taken away as captives, but he will bring his people back. Then Jacob (Israel) will be very happy."

[301] 54:6 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[302] 54:6 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[303] 54:1 Literally, "God, save me with your name, judge me with your might."

[304] 54:3 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[305] 55:7 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[306] 55:7 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[307] 55:7 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[308] 55:14 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[309] 55:15 Literally, "I wish death would surprise them. I wish they would go down into Sheol alive." This would be like the time Moses' enemy Korah was punished by God. See Num. 16:31-33.

[310] 56:23 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[311] 56:23 miktam The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a well-arranged song."

[312] 56:2 There are . count Or, "There are many attacking me from above."

[313] 57:13 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[314] 57:13 miktam The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a well-arranged song."

[315] 57:3 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[316] 57:5 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[317] 57:8 soul Literally, "my glory."

[318] 57:8 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[319] 58:11 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[320] 58:11 miktam The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a well-arranged song."

[321] 58:4 Their anger . snake venom A wordplay in Hebrew. The word meaning "anger" sounds like the word "venom" (poison).

[322] 58:5 snake charmers . evil plans The Hebrew phrase can mean either "snake charmers, who create crafty magic formulas" or "snake charmers. Those wicked people make their sneaky schemes."

[323] 58:7 Or, "May he shoot his arrows, [cutting them down] as if they were withering [grass]."

[324] 58:10 He will be . enemies Literally, "He will wash his feet in the blood of those wicked men."

[325] 58:11 There really is . world Or, "There really are powerful leaders ruling and judging this land" or possibly, "God really does have [good] judges ruling this land."

[326] 59:11 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[327] 59:11 miktam The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a well-arranged song."

[328] 59:5 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[329] 59:5 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[330] 59:9 I will sing . to you Or, "My Strength, I am waiting for you." See Ps. 59:17.

[331] 59:13 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[332] 60:17 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[333] 60:17 miktam The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a well-arranged song."

[334] 60:17 Psalm 60 Aram Naharaim Or, "the Arameans of Mesopotamia."

[335] 60:17 Psalm 60 Aram Zobah Or, "the Arameans of central Syria."

[336] 60:4 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[337] 60:6 in his Temple Or, "in his holiness."

[338] 60:7 scepter A special stick carried by kings to show their authority.

[339] 61:12 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[340] 61:12 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[341] 61:2 Carry . above Or, "From your fortress high above me, lead me."

[342] 61:4 tent The place where God lives among his people. Here, it is the Temple in Jerusalem. Earlier, it was the Holy Tent where the people worshiped God before the Temple was built.

[343] 61:4 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[344] 62:8 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[345] 62:8 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[346] 62:2 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[347] 62:4 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[348] 63:12 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[349] 63:2 your Temple Or, "your holiness."

[350] 63:2 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[351] 64:11 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[352] 64:11 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[353] 65:10 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[354] 65:10 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[355] 65:1 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[356] 65:4 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[357] 65:11 In ancient Israel there were two calendars. The calendar for religious festivals began in the spring, at barley harvest. The other calendar started in the fall, when they gathered other crops.

[358] 66:13 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[359] 66:4 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[360] 66:6 changed the sea to dry land This was with Moses at the Red Sea. See Ex. 14.

[361] 66:6 went across the river on foot This was with Joshua at the Jordan River. See Josh. 3:14-17.

[362] 66:13-14 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[363] 66:13-14 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[364] 66:15 sin offering Or "purification offering," a sacrifice that was offered to God to remove impurities from sin and make a person fit to worship God.

[365] 66:15 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[366] 67:20 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[367] 67:1 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[368] 68:7 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[369] 68:7 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[370] 68:4 Yah This is a Hebrew name for God. It is like the Hebrew name usually translated "Lord."

[371] 68:8 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[372] 68:8 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[373] 68:10 people Or, "animals," or "living things."

[374] 68:16 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[375] 68:17 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[376] 68:18 received gifts from men Or, "took men as gifts." Or, "gave gifts to men," as in the ancient Syriac and Aramaic versions and in Eph. 4:8.

[377] 68:18 The Lord Or, "Yah," a Hebrew name for God.

[378] 68:21 Literally, "God will smash the heads of his enemies. He will smash the hairy skull walking in guilt."

[379] 68:26 meeting place Or, "Praise God with [the trumpets] that announce the assembly!"

[380] 68:29 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[381] 68:31 tribute The money and gifts a country paid to the country that defeated it.

[382] 69:35 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[383] 69:35 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[384] 69:6 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[385] 69:9 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[386] 69:10 fast To live without food for a time of prayer or mourning.

[387] 69:11 sackcloth A rough cloth made from animal hair that people sometimes wore to show sadness.

[388] 69:31 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[389] 69:35 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[390] 70:36 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[391] 70:36 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[392] 70:4 Praise God Literally, "God is great" or "May God be magnified."

[393] 71:3 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[394] 71:3 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[395] 71:6 prayed to you Or, "praised you."

[396] 71:22 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[397] 71:22 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[398] 72:24 Psalm 72 To Solomon This might mean this song was written by Solomon or dedicated to him, or that it is from some special collection of songs.

[399] 72:8 faraway places on earth This usually means the countries around the Mediterranean Sea.

[400] 72:10 Tarshish A city far away from Israel, probably in Spain, famous for its large ships that sailed the Mediterranean Sea.

[401] 72:10 tribute The money and gifts a country paid to the country that defeated it.

[402] 72:18 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[403] 72:19 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[404] 72:19 Amen A Hebrew word meaning "That's right," "True," or "Yes." It is used to express strong agreement with what has been said.

[405] 73:1 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[406] 73:4 Literally, "They have no bonds to their death."

[407] 73:10 This verse is hard to understand in Hebrew.

[408] 73:17 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[409] 73:24 later . glory Or, "You take me after honor."

[410] 73:26 mind Literally, "heart."

[411] 73:26 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[412] 74:28 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[413] 74:2 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[414] 74:4 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[415] 74:8 holy place Or, "El meeting place." This means every place where people went to meet with God.

[416] 74:9 signs These were probably signal fires that people burned as a way of passing messages from one town to the next. In war, this was a way people showed other towns that the enemy had not yet destroyed their own town.

[417] 74:14 great sea monsters . Leviathan These were creatures from ancient stories. People believed these creatures kept the world from being a safe, orderly place. When it says God destroyed these creatures, it means God showed that he really controlled every part of the world, even the animals in the deepest ocean.

[418] 75:23 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[419] 75:1 You Literally, "Your name."

[420] 75:3 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[421] 75:6 Literally, "Not from the east or the west and not from the desert mountains."

[422] 75:9 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[423] 75:10 He Or, "I."

[424] 76:10 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[425] 76:1 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[426] 76:2 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[427] 76:2 Salem Another name for Jerusalem. This name means "Peace."

[428] 76:2 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[429] 76:3 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[430] 76:5 None . themselves Literally, "The warriors could not find their hands."

[431] 76:6 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[432] 76:6 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[433] 76:10 The Hebrew here is very hard to understand.

[434] 77:12 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[435] 77:9 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[436] 78:20 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[437] 78:5 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[438] 78:5 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[439] 78:5 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[440] 78:23-24 manna The special food provided by God that the Israelites gathered daily from the ground during the 40 years they wandered through the desert. See Ex. 16:4-36.

[441] 78:35 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[442] 78:51 firstborn The first child born into a family. The first son was very important in ancient times and became the head of the family at the father's death. It can also mean a person of special importance.

[443] 78:51 Ham The Egyptians were Ham's descendants. See Gen. 10:6-10.

[444] 78:57 boomerang A curved stick used in hunting birds. When thrown properly, it flies low to the ground and suddenly curves upward, often returning to the thrower. Literally, "a bow of throwing" or "a bow of deception."

[445] 78:58 high place A place of worship usually on top of a hill, a mountain, or a man-made platform. Although high places were sometimes used for the worship of Yahweh, they are most often associated with pagan worship of false gods.

[446] 78:60 Holy Tent at Shiloh See 1 Sam. 4:10-11; Jer. 7:17.

[447] 78:61 Power . beautiful jewel These terms probably refer to the Box of the Agreement. See 1 Sam. 4:1-18.

[448] 78:68 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[449] 78:69 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[450] 78:71 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[451] 79:1 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[452] 79:5 strong feelings The Hebrew word can mean any strong feelings such as zeal, jealousy, or love.

[453] 79:7 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[454] 79:8 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[455] 80:13 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[456] 80:1 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[457] 80:1 Cherub angels Winged beings like angels that serve God, usually as guards around his throne or other holy places. Two statues of these beings were on the cover of the Box of the Agreement that represented God's presence. See Ex. 25:10-22.

[458] 80:15 young plant Literally, "son."

[459] 80:17 chosen one Literally, "the man of your right hand."

[460] 80:17 people Literally, "son of man."

[461] 81:19 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[462] 81:19 gittith This might be a type of instrument, a tune, or a performer in the Temple orchestra such as Obed Edom from Gath (the Gittite). See I Chron. 15:21; 16:4-7.

[463] 81:1 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[464] 81:2 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[465] 81:3 new moon The first day of the Jewish month. There were special meetings on these days when the people shared fellowship offerings as part of their worship to God.

[466] 81:3 full moon The middle of the Hebrew month. Many of the special meetings and festivals started at the time of a full moon.

[467] 81:4 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[468] 81:7 Meribah See Ex. 17:1-7.

[469] 81:7 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[470] 81:16 Or, "God would give them mounds of wheat and honey from the rock."

[471] 82:1 assembly of the gods Other nations taught that El (God) and the other gods met together to decide what to do with the people on earth. But many times kings and leaders were also called "gods." So this psalm may be God's warning to the leaders of Israel.

[472] 82:2 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[473] 82:5 They This might mean the poor don't understand what is happening. Or, it might mean that the "gods" don't understand they are ruining the world by not being fair and by not doing what is right.

[474] 82:6 gods Or, "judges."

[475] 83:8 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[476] 83:13 tumbleweed A large weed that grows in a round shape and has short roots. When a strong wind blows, the dry weed is pulled loose and blown away.

[477] 83:18 Yahweh A Hebrew name for God that is usually translated "Lord." It is like the Hebrew word meaning "He is" or "He makes things exist."

[478] 84:18 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[479] 84:18 gittith This might be a type of instrument, a tune, or a performer in the Temple orchestra such as Obed Edom from Gath (the Gittite). See I Chron. 15:21; 16:4-7.

[480] 84:1 Temple Or, "dwellings."

[481] 84:2 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[482] 84:4 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[483] 84:6 Autumn rains . water Or, "The Teacher gives blessings." This might be a different way to say that God is our teacher and that he gives us many blessings.

[484] 84:7 town to town Or, "wall to wall."

[485] 84:7 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[486] 84:8 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[487] 84:9 protector Literally, "shield." This probably means the king. This might also be "God, our Shield, look!"

[488] 84:9 chosen king Literally, "anointed person."

[489] 84:11 protector and glorious king Literally, "sun and shield."

[490] 85:12 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[491] 85:1 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[492] 85:2 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[493] 85:9 We . land Or, "His glory will live in our land."

[494] 85:11 Literally, "Loyalty will sprout from the ground. And goodness will look down from the sky."

[495] 87:2 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[496] 87:3 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[497] 87:4 Egypt Literally, "Rahab." This names means the "Dragon." It became a popular name for Egypt.

[498] 88:7 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[499] 88:7 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[500] 88:7 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[501] 89:18 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[502] 89:4 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[503] 89:10 Rahab A dragon or sea monster that people thought controlled the sea. Rahab is often a symbol for God's enemies or for anything evil.

[504] 89:20 anoint To pour a special oil on people or things to show that they have been chosen by God and set apart for a special work or purpose.

[505] 89:26 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[506] 89:27 firstborn The first child born into a family. The first son was very important in ancient times and became the head of the family at the father's death. It can also mean a person of special importance.

[507] 89:38 chosen king Literally, "anointed one."

[508] 89:52 Amen A Hebrew word meaning "That's right," "True," or "Yes." It is used to express strong agreement with what has been said.

[509] 90:52 man of God Another title for a prophet. See "prophet."

[510] 90:16 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[511] 92:16 Sabbath Saturday, the seventh day of the week and a special day for Israelites or Jews. By God's command it was set aside as a time for the people to rest and honor God.

[512] 92:3 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[513] 92:13 house Or, "Temple." See "Temple" in the Word List.

[514] 92:15 good This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word means "straight" (like the trees) and "good," or "honest."

[515] 92:15 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[516] 92:15 he . wrong Or, "there is no crookedness in him."

[517] 93:5 your laws will continue forever Or, "your Agreement can really be trusted."

[518] 93:5 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[519] 94:22 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[520] 95:1 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[521] 95:2 songs of thanks Or, "thank offerings."

[522] 95:8 Meribah . Massah See Ex. 17:1-7.

[523] 95:9 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[524] 96:6 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[525] 96:6 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[526] 96:13 rule Or, "judge." Also in 98:9.

[527] 97:6 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[528] 97:8 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[529] 98:1 holy right arm This pictures God as a warrior-king. The right arm symbolizes his power and authority. "Holy" may refer to the special cleansing and dedication that Israelites performed before going into battle.

[530] 99:1 Cherub angels Winged beings like angels that serve God, usually as guards around his throne or other holy places. Two statues of these beings were on the cover of the Box of the Agreement that represented God's presence. See Ex. 25:10-22.

[531] 99:2 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[532] 99:4 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[533] 99:5 footstool This probably means the Temple.

[534] 101:5 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[535] 101:3 anything shameful Or, "an idol."

[536] 102:13 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[537] 102:16 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[538] 103:28 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[539] 103:21 armies This word can mean "armies," "angels," or the "stars and planets." This word is part of the name translated "Lord All-Powerful." It shows that God is in control of all the powers in the universe.

[540] 104:1 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[541] 104:3 above them Literally, "on the water above." This is like the picture of the world in Gen. 1. There the sky was like a bowl turned upside down on the earth. There was water below the bowl and water above it.

[542] 104:3 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[543] 104:4 Or, "You make your angels spirits and your servants flames of fire." This may be a wordplay referring to the Cherub and Seraph angels.

[544] 104:15 makes our skin soft Literally, "makes our face shine." This can also mean "makes us happy."

[545] 104:26 Leviathan This might mean any large sea animal, like a whale. But it probably means "the sea monster," the "Dragon," or "Rahab." This creature represents the great power of the ocean, the power that God controls.

[546] 104:29 breath Or, "spirit."

[547] 104:30 life-giving breath Or, "Spirit."

[548] 105:6 the one God chose Or, "the people God chose."

[549] 105:7 The Lord rules the whole world Literally, "The Lord's commands are in the whole earth."

[550] 105:15 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.

[551] 105:16 famine A time when there is not enough rain for crops to grow, causing people and animals to die without enough food or water.

[552] 105:23 Ham's country Or, "Egypt." The Bible teaches that the Egyptians were descendants of Ham. See Gen. 10:6-20.

[553] 105:36 firstborn The first child born into a family. The first son was very important in ancient times and became the head of the family at the father's death. It can also mean a person of special importance.

[554] 106:6 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[555] 106:22 Ham's country Or, "Egypt." The Bible teaches that the Egyptians were descendants of Ham. See Gen. 10:6-20.

[556] 106:23 Or, "God said he would destroy them. But Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach and repelled his anger from destroying." This compares Moses to a soldier standing at a break in a wall defending the city (Israel) against enemy soldiers (God's anger).

[557] 106:28 the dead This might refer to "dead statues" or "lifeless gods," or it might refer to meals eaten at graves to honor dead friends or relatives.

[558] 106:30 prayed Or, "intervened," or "judged." Phinehas not only prayed to God, but he also did something to stop the people from doing these sins. See Num. 25:1-16.

[559] 106:48 Amen A Hebrew word meaning "That's right," "True," or "Yes." It is used to express strong agreement with what has been said.

[560] 107:3 south Or, "the Sea." This is west of Israel and would refer to all the coastal areas around the Mediterranean Sea.

[561] 107:22 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[562] 107:37 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[563] 108:43 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[564] 108:2 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[565] 108:5 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[566] 108:7 in his Temple Or, "in his holiness."

[567] 108:8 scepter A special stick carried by kings to show their authority.

[568] 109:13 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[569] 109:13 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[570] 110:31 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[571] 110:1 while I . control Or, "until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."

[572] 110:2 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[573] 110:3 This verse is hard to understand in Hebrew. Literally, "Your people will be freewill offerings on your day of power. In holy splendor from the womb of dawn your dew of youth will be yours."

[574] 110:7 lift his head and become strong Literally, "lift his head." Here, the poet probably means two things: "he will raise his head after drinking the water," and "he will become strong or important."

[575] 111:7 Psalm 111 In Hebrew, each line of this psalm begins with the next letter in the alphabet.

[576] 111:2 more . for Literally, "They are requested for all their desires."

[577] 112:10 Psalm 112 In Hebrew, each line of this psalm begins with the next letter in the alphabet.

[578] 113:4 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[579] 114:1 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[580] 114:7 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[581] 115:15 the Lord welcomes you Literally, "you are blessed to the Lord." This can mean that people ask God to do good things for these people or that God welcomes the people with a blessing.

[582] 116:19 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[583] 118:3 Aaron's family That is, the priests.

[584] 118:14 my reason for singing Or, "my protection."

[585] 118:22 cornerstone The first and most important stone of a building.

[586] 118:25 Literally, "Lord, please save us. Lord, please make us successful." This was a shout of victory to honor the king who was coming back from winning a war.

[587] 118:27 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[588] 118:27 horns of the altar The corners of the altar were shaped like horns and were an important part of the altar.

[589] 118:29 Psalm 119 Aleph The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This psalm has a section for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and each of the eight verses in each section begins with the Hebrew letter for its section.

[590] 119:25 give . again Or, "Give me life according to your word."

[591] 119:27 teachings Or, "deeds."

[592] 119:107 Give . again Or, "Give me life according to your word."

[593] 119:128 The first line of the Hebrew is unclear.

[594] 119:158 traitor A person who turns against his or her own country, friends, or family and does anything to help their enemy.

[595] 120:176 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[596] 120:5 Meshech . Kedar People from these places were famous fighters.

[597] 121:7 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[598] 121:8 come and go This may refer to going to war.

[599] 122:8 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[600] 122:9 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[601] 123:9 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[602] 124:4 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[603] 125:8 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[604] 126:5 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[605] 126:1 when . Zion Or, "when the Lord restores Zion." See "Zion" in the Word List.

[606] 126:6 carrying the seeds Or, "carrying all their possessions."

[607] 127:6 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[608] 127:3 gift Literally, "inheritance." Usually, this means the land God gave to each family in Israel.

[609] 127:5 quiver A bag or container for carrying arrows.

[610] 127:5 city gates This can refer to either a battle to protect the city or to a court case held at this public place.

[611] 128:5 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[612] 128:5 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[613] 129:6 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[614] 129:5 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[615] 130:8 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[616] 131:8 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[617] 132:3 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[618] 132:2 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[619] 132:6 Ephrathah Bethlehem, the town where David was born.

[620] 132:6 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[621] 132:6 Kiriath Jearim Literally, "fields of the forest." The Hebrew word meaning "forest" is like the name of this city.

[622] 132:7 at God's throne Literally, "at his footstool." This can mean the Box of the Agreement, the Holy Tent, or the Temple. God is like a king sitting on his throne and resting his feet on the place where people worship him.

[623] 132:8 Lord, get up The people said this when they lifted the Box of the Agreement and took it into battle with them. This showed that God was with them. See Num. 10:35-36.

[624] 132:10 chosen king Literally, "anointed one."

[625] 132:13 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[626] 133:18 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[627] 133:18 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[628] 133:2 high priest's Literally, "Aaron's."

[629] 133:3 gentle rain Or, "mist," or "snow." The Hebrew can mean either "the oil is like the mist ." or "Aaron's beard is like the snow .."

[630] 133:3 Mount Zion Or, "the mountain range of Zion" or possibly, "the dry mountains." See "Zion" in the Word List.

[631] 134:3 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[632] 134:3 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[633] 135:2 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[634] 135:4 Jacob Another name for Israel (see Gen. 32:24-28), ancestor of the people of Israel (also called Israelites and, later, Jews). He was the father of twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel descended.

[635] 135:21 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[636] 137:1 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[637] 137:2 These instruments were used to praise God in the Temple in Jerusalem. Since the Temple was destroyed, these people had no reason to play the songs.

[638] 138:9 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[639] 138:2 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[640] 138:5 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[641] 139:8 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[642] 139:8 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[643] 139:13 every part of me Literally, "kidneys." The ancient Israelites also thought the emotions were centered in the kidneys. So this probably also means God knew how this person felt, even before he was born.

[644] 139:15 mother's womb Literally, "deepest parts of the earth." This is a way of saying a place we know nothing about.

[645] 139:16 each passing day Or, "You watched me every day."

[646] 139:17 priceless Or, "beyond understanding."

[647] 139:18 I . begun Or, "I would still be with you."

[648] 139:20 Your enemies . falsely Here, the meaning of the Hebrew is not clear.

[649] 139:24 Make sure . way Or, "See that I don't worship idols."

[650] 139:24 Lead me . right Or, "Guide me on the ancient path."

[651] 140:24 director This title is part of a phrase found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "performer."

[652] 140:24 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[653] 140:3 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[654] 141:13 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[655] 141:2 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[656] 141:5 a warm welcome Or, "like oil poured over my head."

[657] 141:6 Let their judges . to death Or, "Let their judges be thrown from the cliffs."

[658] 142:10 maskil The exact meaning of this word is not known. It might mean "a poem of meditation," "a poem of instruction," or "a skillfully written poem."

[659] 142:7 trap Literally, "frame around my soul."

[660] 143:7 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[661] 143:6 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.

[662] 144:12 song of David This phrase (or a variation of it) is found at the beginning of many of the Psalms. It could also mean "a song dedicated to David."

[663] 144:1 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[664] 145:5 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[665] 145:13 The Lord . he does This is not in the standard Hebrew text, but is in a Hebrew text from Qumran and is in the ancient Greek and Syriac versions.

[666] 146:10 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[667] 147:12 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[668] 147:19 Israel Another name for Jacob (see Gen. 32:24-28) and for the nation God chose to accomplish his plan of blessing the world through the Messiah (see "Messiah"). The people of Israel were the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons.

[669] 148:2 his army This can mean "angels," "stars and planets," or "soldiers in an army."

[670] 149:2 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[671] 150:1 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[672] 150:3 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.
