Proverbs 7

Chapter 61 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Chapter 8


Wisdom Will Keep You From Adultery

7 <1> My son, remember my words. Don't forget what I have told you. <2> Consider my teaching as precious as your own eyes. Obey my commands, and you will have a good life. <3> Tie them around your finger. Write them on your heart. <4> Treat wisdom like the woman you love and knowledge like the one dearest to you. <5> Wisdom will save you from that other woman, the other man's wife, who tempts you with such sweet words.

<6> One day I was looking out my window <7> at some foolish teenagers and noticed one who had no sense at all. <8> He was walking through the marketplace and came to the corner where a certain woman lived. He then turned up the road that goes by her house. <9> The day was ending. The sun had set, and it was almost dark. <10> Suddenly, there she was in front of him, dressed like a prostitute. She had plans for him. <11> She was a wild and rebellious woman who would not stay at home. <12> She walked the streets, always looking for someone to trap. <13> She grabbed the young man and kissed him. Without shame, she looked him in the eye and said, <14> "I offered a fellowship offering[11] today. I gave what I promised to give, <15> and I still have plenty of food left. So I came out to find you, and here you are! <16> I have clean sheets on my bed-special ones from Egypt. <17> My bed smells wonderful with myrrh,[12] aloes,[13] and cinnamon. <18> Come, let's enjoy ourselves all night. We can make love until dawn. <19> My husband has gone on a business trip. <20> He took enough money for a long trip and won't be home for two weeks.[14]"

<21> This is what the woman said to tempt the young man, and her smooth words tricked him. <22> He followed her, like a bull being led to the slaughter. He was like a deer walking into a trap, <23> where a hunter waits to shoot an arrow through its heart. The boy was like a bird flying into a net, never seeing the danger he was in.

<24> Now, sons, listen to me. Pay attention to what I say. <25> Don't let your heart lead you to an evil woman like that. Don't go where she wants to lead you. <26> She has brought down some of the most powerful men; she has left many dead bodies in her path. <27> Her house is the place of death. The road to it leads straight to the grave.
