Proverbs 23

Chapter 221 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Chapter 24


23 <1> When you sit and eat with an important person, remember who you are with. <2> Never eat too much, even if you are very hungry. <3> Don't eat too much of his fine food. It might be a trick.

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<4> Don't ruin your health trying to get rich. If you are smart, you will give it up. <5> In the blink of an eye, money can disappear, as if it grew wings and flew away like a bird.

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<6> Don't eat with selfish people. Control any desire you have for their finest foods. <7> They might tell you to eat and drink all you want, but they don't really mean it. They are the kind of people who are only thinking about the cost. <8> And if you eat their food, you will get sick and be embarrassed.

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<9> Don't try to teach fools. They will make fun of your wise words.

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<10> Never move an old property line, and don't take land that belongs to orphans. <11> The Lord will be against you. He is powerful and protects orphans.

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<12> Listen to your teacher and learn all you can.

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<13> Always correct children when they need it. If you spank them, it will not kill them. <14> In fact, you might save their lives.

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<15> My son, it makes me happy when you make a wise decision. <16> It makes me feel good inside when you say the right things.

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<17> Never envy evil people, but always respect the Lord. <18> This will give you something to hope for that will not disappoint you.

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<19> So listen, my son, and be wise. Always be careful to follow the right path. <20> Don't make friends with people who drink too much wine and eat too much food. <21> Those who eat and drink too much become poor. They sleep too much and end up wearing rags.

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<22> Listen to your father. Without him, you would never have been born. Respect your mother, even when she is old. <23> Truth, wisdom, learning, and understanding are worth paying money for. They are worth far too much to ever sell. <24> The father of a good person is very happy. A wise child brings him joy. <25> Make both of your parents happy. Give your mother that same joy.

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<26> My son, listen closely to what I am saying. Let my life be your example. <27> Prostitutes and bad women are a trap. They are like a deep well that you cannot escape. <28> A bad woman waits for you like a thief, and she causes many men to be unfaithful to their wives.

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<29-30> Who gets into fights and arguments? Who gets hurt for no reason and has red, bloodshot eyes? People who stay out too late drinking wine, staring into their strong drinks.

<31> So be careful with wine. It is pretty and red as it sparkles in the cup. And it goes down so smoothly when you drink it. <32> But in the end, it will bite like a snake.

<33> Wine will cause you to see strange things and to say things that make no sense. <34> When you lie down, you will think you are on a rough sea and feel like you are at the top of the mast.[56] <35> You will say, "They hit me, but I never felt it. They beat me, but I don't remember it. Now I can't wake up. I need another drink."

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