Isaiah 64

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64 <1> If you would tear open the skies

and come down to earth, then everything would change.

Mountains would melt before you.

<2> The mountains would burst into flames

like burning bushes.

The mountains would boil

like water on the fire.

Then your enemies would learn about you.

Then all nations would shake with fear when they see you.

<3> But you did do awesome things

that we didn't expect.

You came down,

and mountains melted before you.

<4> No one ever heard of such a thing.

No one ever listened to such a story.

No one has ever seen a God like you,

who does such wonderful things for those who trust him.

<5> You welcome people who enjoy doing good and who remember you

by living the way you want them to.

But we sinned against you,

and you became angry with us.[507]

But you always saved us!

<6> We are all dirty with sin.

Even our good works are not pure.

They are like bloodstained rags.

We are all like dead leaves.

Our sins have carried us away like wind.

<7> We don't call to you for help.

We aren't excited about following you.

So you turned away from us.

We are helpless before you,

because we are full of sin.

<8> But Lord, you are our father.

We are like clay,

and you are the potter.[508]

Your hands made us all.

<9> Lord, don't continue to be angry with us!

Don't remember our sins forever!

Please, look at us!

We are all your people.

<10> Your holy cities are empty

like the desert.

Zion[509] has become a desert.

Jerusalem is destroyed.

<11> Our ancestors[510] worshiped you

in our holy Temple.

Our Temple was so wonderful,

but now it has been burned.

All our precious possessions

have been destroyed.

<12> Will these things always keep you

from helping?

Will you continue to say nothing?

Will you punish us forever?
