Isaiah 38

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Hezekiah's Illness

38 <1> At that time Hezekiah became sick and almost died. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to see him and told him, "The Lord told me to tell you this: 'You will die soon. So you should tell your family what they should do when you die. You will not get well.'"

<2> Hezekiah turned toward the wall that faced the Temple and began praying to the Lord. <3> "Lord, remember that I have faithfully served you with all my heart. I have done what you say is good." Then Hezekiah cried very hard.

<4> Then Isaiah received this message from the Lord: <5> "Go to Hezekiah and tell him that the Lord, the God of your ancestor[370] David says: 'I heard your prayer, and I saw your tears. I will add 15 years to your life. <6> I will save you and this city from the king of Assyria. I will protect this city.'"

<21>[371] Then Isaiah told Hezekiah, "Crush figs together and put them on your sore, then you will get well."

<22>[372] Hezekiah asked Isaiah, "What is the sign that proves I will get well and go to the Lord's Temple[373]?"

<7> This is the sign from the Lord to show you that he will do what he says: <8> "Look, I am causing the shadow that is on the steps of Ahaz[374] to move back ten steps. The sun's shadow will go back up the ten steps that it has already been on."


Hezekiah's Song

<9> This is the letter from Hezekiah when he became well:

<10> I thought I would live a full life.

But now, in the middle of my life,

the time has come for me to die.

<11> So I said, "I will not see the Lord Yah[375]

in the land of the living again.

I will not see the people living on earth.

<12> My home, my shepherd's tent,

is being pulled down and taken from me.

I am finished like the cloth someone rolls up and cuts from the loom.[376]

You finished my life in such a short time.

<13> All night I cried as loud as a lion,

but my hopes were crushed like a lion eating bones.

You finished my life in such a short time.

<14> I cried like a bird

and moaned like a dove.

My eyes became tired,

but I continued looking to the heavens.

My Master, I am so depressed.

Promise to help me."

<15> What can I say?

My Master told me what would happen,

and he will make it happen.

I have had these troubles in my soul,

so now I will be humble all my life.

<16> My Master, use this hard time to make my spirit live again.

Help my spirit become strong and healthy.

Help me become well!

Help me live again!

<17> Look, my troubles are gone!

I now have peace.

You love me very much.

You did not let me rot in the grave.

You took my sins

and threw them away.

<18> The dead cannot praise you.

People in Sheol[377] cannot sing praises to you.

Those who have died and gone below are not trusting in your faithfulness.

<19> People who are alive, people like me,

are the ones who will praise you-

fathers telling their children about how faithful you are.

<20> So I say, "The Lord saved me.

So we will sing and play songs in the Lord's Temple all our lives."
