1 Chronicles 16

Chapter 151 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Chapter 17


16 <1> The Levites brought the Box of the Agreement and put it inside the tent David had set up for it. Then they offered burnt offerings[127] and fellowship offerings[128] to God. <2> After David had finished giving the burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, he used the Lord's name to bless the people. <3> Then he gave a loaf of bread, some dates, and raisins to every Israelite man and woman.

<4> Then David chose some of the Levites to serve before the Box of the Agreement. They had the job of celebrating and giving thanks and praise to the Lord, the God of Israel. <5> Asaph was the leader of the first group. His group played the cymbals. Zechariah was the leader of the second group. The other Levites were Uzziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed Edom, and Jeiel. These men played the lyres and harps. <6> Benaiah and Jahaziel were the priests who always blew the trumpets before the Box of the Agreement. <7> This was when David first gave Asaph and his brothers the job of singing praises to the Lord.


David's Song of Thanks

<8> Praise the Lord.

Call on his name.

Tell people about the great things he has done.

<9> Sing to the Lord.

Sing praises to the Lord.

Tell about all his wonderful works.

<10> Be proud of the Lord's holy name.

All you people coming to the Lord, be happy!

<11> Look to the Lord and his strength.

Always go to him for help.

<12> Remember the wonderful things

that the Lord has done.

Remember his decisions

and the powerful things he has done.

<13> The people of Israel

are the Lord's servants.

The descendants of Jacob,

are the Lord's chosen people.

<14> The Lord is our God.

His power is everywhere.

<15> Remember his Agreement forever.

He gave his commandments for a thousand generations.

<16> Remember the Agreement

that the Lord made with Abraham.

Remember his promise to Isaac.

<17> The Lord made it a law for Jacob.

It is the Agreement with Israel that continues forever.

<18> The Lord said to Israel:

"I will give the land of Canaan to you.

The promised land will be yours."

<19> There were only a few people,

a few strangers in a foreign land.

<20> They went from one nation to another.

They went from one kingdom to another.

<21> But the Lord did not let anyone hurt them.

He warned kings not to hurt them.

<22> The Lord told the kings,

"Don't hurt my chosen people.

Don't hurt my prophets."

<23> Sing to the Lord, all the earth.

Each day you must tell the good news about the Lord saving us.

<24> Tell all the nations about his glory.

Tell everyone how wonderful he is.

<25> The Lord is great,

and he should be praised.

He is more awesome than all other gods,

<26> because all the gods of the world are only worthless statues.

But the Lord made the skies!

<27> He has glory and honor;

he is like a bright, shining light.

<28> Families and people,

praise the Lord's glory and power!

<29> Praise the Lord's glory.

Show honor to his name.

Bring him your offering.

Worship the Lord and his holy beauty.

<30> The whole earth should shake with fear in front of the Lord!

But he made the earth strong, the world cannot be moved.

<31> Let the earth and skies be happy.

Let people everywhere say,

"The Lord rules!"

<32> Let the sea and everything in it shout!

Let the fields and everything in them show their joy!

<33> The trees of the forest will sing with joy in front of the Lord,

because the Lord is coming.

He is coming to judge the world.

<34> Oh, thank the Lord-he is good.

His love continues forever.

<35> Say to the Lord,

"Save us, God our Savior.

Gather us together,

and save us from the other nations.

Then we can praise your holy name.

Then we can praise you with our songs."

<36> May the Lord, the God of Israel,

be praised forever as he has been praised forever!

All the people praised the Lord and said "Amen!"

<37> Then David left Asaph and his brothers there in front of the Box of the Agreement.[129] David left them there to serve in front of it every day. <38> He also left Obed Edom and 68 other Levites[130] to serve with Asaph and his brothers. Obed Edom and Hosah were guards. Obed Edom was Jeduthun's son.

<39> David left Zadok the priest and the other priests who served with him in front of the Lord's Tent[131] at the high place[132] in Gibeon. <40> Every morning and evening Zadok and the other priests offered burnt offerings on the altar[133] of burnt offerings. They did this to follow the rules written in the Law of the Lord, which the Lord had given Israel. <41> Heman and Jeduthun and all the other Levites were chosen by name to sing the songs of praise such as, Praise theLordBecause His Love Continues Forever.[134] <42> Heman and Jeduthun were with them. They had the job of blowing the trumpets and playing cymbals.[135] They also had the job of playing other musical instruments when songs were sung to God. Jeduthun's sons guarded the gates.

<43> After the celebration, all the people left and went home. David also went home to bless his family.


