[1] 1:1-3 This list of names gives the name of a man, followed by his descendants.

[2] 1:6 Riphath Or, "Diphath."

[3] 1:8 Cush That is, Ethiopia.

[4] 1:8 Mizraim That is, Egypt.

[5] 1:17 Meshech Or, "Mash." See Gen. 10:23.

[6] 1:19 Peleg This name means "division."

[7] 1:22 Ebal Or, "Obal." See Gen. 10:28.

[8] 1:32 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[9] 1:34 Israel Another name for Jacob. See Gen. 32:28.

[10] 1:36 Zepho Or, "Zephi."

[11] 1:39 Homam Or, "Heman." See Gen. 36:22.

[12] 1:50 Pau Or, "Pai."

[13] 2:1 Israel Another name for Jacob. See Gen. 32:28.

[14] 2:3 Bathshua This name means "the daughter of Shua." See Gen. 38:2.

[15] 2:4 Judah had sexual relations with his own daughter-in-law, Tamar and caused her to be pregnant. See Gen. 38:12-30.

[16] 2:7 Achar Or, "Achan." See Josh. 7:11.

[17] 2:9 Caleb Literally, "Kelubai."

[18] 2:10 Nahshon . Judah Nahshon was leader of the tribe of Judah at the time the Israelites came out of Egypt. See Num. 1:7; 2:3; 7:12.

[19] 2:18 Or, "Caleb had children with Azubah his wife and with Jerioth."

[20] 2:46 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[21] 2:50 founder Literally, "father." The person who started the city.

[22] 2:55 scribe Originally, an educated man who was skilled in reading and writing. By New Testament times scribes had become a distinct social and political group. Because of their work in copying the Scriptures and writing down explanations of the law of Moses, many became experts in the law and were respected as teachers, lawyers, or judges.

[23] 3:5 Bathsheba The Hebrew text has "Bathshua."

[24] 3:9 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[25] 3:16 This can be interpreted in two ways: "This Zedekiah was the son of Jehoiakim and the brother of Jehoiachin" or "This Zedekiah is the son of Jehoiachin and the grandson of Jehoiakim."

[26] 3:21 Jeshaiah Or, "Isaiah."

[27] 3:21 Here, the Hebrew is hard to understand.

[28] 4:4 founder Literally, "father." The person who started the city. Also in verse 14.

[29] 4:9 Jabez This name is like the Hebrew word meaning "pain."

[30] 4:12 Tehinnah . Ir Nahash Or, "Tehinnah was the founder of the city of Nahash." Ir means "city."

[31] 4:14 Ge Harashim This name also means "Valley of the Skilled Workers."

[32] 4:19 Mered's wife . was from Judah This is from the ancient Greek version.

[33] 4:21-22 linen Thread or cloth made from the fibers of the flax plant.

[34] 4:21-22 married . Bethlehem Or, "They ruled in Moab and Jashubi Lehem."

[35] 5:12 Then Janai became the leader Or, "Then there was Janai, and then Shaphat was in Bashan."

[36] 5:25 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[37] 6:31 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[38] 6:32 Holy Tent Or "Tabernacle," the special tent described in the law of Moses, where God lived among his people and where the Israelite priests performed their worship duties. It was often called the "Meeting Tent" because it was where the Israelites went to meet with God. It was used until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.

[39] 6:32 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[40] 6:38 Israel Another name for Jacob. See Gen. 32:28.

[41] 6:48 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[42] 6:49 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[43] 6:49 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[44] 6:49 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[45] 6:49 Most Holy Place Literally, "holy of holies," the most important room in the Holy Tent or the Temple, where the Box of the Agreement was kept. It was like a throne room where God sat as king of Israel and where the high priest entered into his presence on the Day of Atonement.

[46] 6:49 make . pure Or, "make atonement." The Hebrew word means "to cover or erase a person's sins."

[47] 6:54 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[48] 6:57 city of safety A special city where Israelites could run and be safe from angry relatives if they accidentally killed someone. See Josh. 20:1-9 and Num. 35:6-34. Also in verse 67.

[49] 6:63 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[50] 6:66 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[51] 6:77 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[52] 7:13 Bilhah Jacob's slave woman and the mother of Dan and Naphtali. See Gen. 30:4-8.

[53] 7:14 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[54] 7:15 There seems to be a few words missing from the Hebrew, dating back evidently to the Chronicler's sources.

[55] 7:18 Hammoleketh Or, "the woman who ruled" or "queen."

[56] 7:23 Beriah This is like the Hebrew word meaning "bad" or "trouble."

[57] 7:29 Israel Another name for Jacob. See Gen. 32:28.

[58] 7:34 Jehubbah Or, "Hubbah."

[59] 9:2 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[60] 9:2 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[61] 9:19 Holy Tent Or "Tabernacle," the special tent described in the law of Moses, where God lived among his people and where the Israelite priests performed their worship duties. It was often called the "Meeting Tent" because it was where the Israelites went to meet with God. It was used until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.

[62] 9:19 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[63] 9:22 seer A kind of prophet (see "prophet") who received messages from God in visions.

[64] 9:29 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[65] 9:29 special oil Or, "perfume." This might be the oil used to anoint priests, prophets, and kings. See Ex. 30:22-38.

[66] 9:32 Sabbath Saturday, the seventh day of the week and a special day for Israelites or Jews. By God's command it was set aside as a time for the people to rest and honor God.

[67] 9:42 Ahaz . Jarah's father The Hebrew has only, "Ahaz was the father of Jarah."

[68] 10:3 archer A person skilled in using a bow to shoot arrows.

[69] 10:4 armor bearer A young man who carried a soldier's weapons.

[70] 10:4 foreigners Men from other countries who are not circumcised. This showed that these men did not share in the special agreement with God.

[71] 10:4 armor bearer A young man who carried a soldier's weapons.

[72] 10:9 armor The special clothes soldiers wore to protect themselves in war.

[73] 10:10 Dagon A false god worshiped by the Canaanites in the hope that he would give them a good harvest of grain. When the Philistines settled in Canaan, they adopted Dagon as their most important god.

[74] 10:13 medium A person who tries to talk with the spirits of people who have died.

[75] 11:1 We are . blood A way of saying they were David's relatives.

[76] 11:3 anoint To pour a special oil on people or things to show that they have been chosen by God and set apart for a special work or purpose.

[77] 11:5 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[78] 11:5 Zion The southeastern part of the mountain that Jerusalem is built on. Sometimes it means the city of Jerusalem, the people of God living there, or the Temple.

[79] 11:5 City of David Jerusalem, especially the southeastern and oldest part of the city.

[80] 11:8 Millo Probably the stone foundation walls that were built on the steep slopes southeast of the Temple area in Jerusalem.

[81] 11:11 Jashobeam the Hacmonite This is "Josheb Basshebeth the Tahkemonite" in 2 Sam. 23:8.

[82] 11:11 king's special forces A special group of soldiers who formed three-man squads and went on special missions for the king.

[83] 11:12 Eleazar son of Dodai Or, "Eleazar his cousin."

[84] 11:12 Three Heroes These were David's three bravest soldiers. Also in verses 18, 20, 24.

[85] 11:15 Thirty Heroes Or, "the king's special forces." These men were David's famous group of very brave soldiers. Also in verses 25, 42.

[86] 11:16 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[87] 11:21 Three Heroes Or possibly, "The Thirty Heroes."

[88] 11:22 powerful man That is, a man from the warrior class ready to protect his people in war.

[89] 11:23 7 1/2 feet Literally, "5 [short] cubits" (2.22 m).

[90] 11:23 loom A machine used for making cloth.

[91] 11:39 armor The special clothes soldiers wore to protect themselves in war.

[92] 12:2 sling A strip of leather used for throwing rocks.

[93] 12:8 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[94] 12:8 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[95] 12:14 The weakest . 1000 men Or, "The smallest was commander over 100 men, the greatest over 1000 men."

[96] 12:16 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[97] 12:17 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[98] 12:18 Thirty Heroes Or, "The Three" or "the chariot officers."

[99] 12:20 generals Literally, "leaders over 1000 men."

[100] 13:2 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[101] 13:3 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[102] 13:6 Cherub angels Winged beings like angels that serve God, usually as guards around his throne or other holy places. Two statues of these beings were on the cover of the Box of the Agreement that represented God's presence. See Ex. 25:10-22.

[103] 13:8 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[104] 13:8 cymbals A pair of circular metal plates that are hit against each other to make a loud sound.

[105] 13:9 threshing Putting newly harvested wheat or other grain on a hard floor and walking on it or beating it with special tools to separate the hulls from the grain.

[106] 13:11 Perez Uzzah This name means "the outburst at Uzzah."

[107] 13:13 City of David Jerusalem, especially the southeastern and oldest part of the city.

[108] 14:11 Baal Perazim This name means "the Lord breaks through."

[109] 15:1 City of David Jerusalem, especially the southeastern and oldest part of the city.

[110] 15:1 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[111] 15:2 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[112] 15:11 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[113] 15:12 holy Here, this means "prepared to serve the Lord." Also in verse 14.

[114] 15:12 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[115] 15:16 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[116] 15:16 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[117] 15:16 cymbals A pair of circular metal plates that are hit against each other to make a loud sound.

[118] 15:20 alamoth This probably means "high pitched."

[119] 15:21 sheminith We don't know the exact meaning of this word, but it probably means "low pitched."

[120] 15:23 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[121] 15:25 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[122] 15:25 generals Literally, "leaders over 1000 men."

[123] 15:26 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[124] 15:27 linen Thread or cloth made from the fibers of the flax plant.

[125] 15:27 ephod A special vest (coat) worn by the Israelite high priest. See Ex. 28:6-14.

[126] 15:29 City of David Jerusalem, especially the southeastern and oldest part of the city.

[127] 16:1 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[128] 16:1 fellowship offering An offering to God that was also eaten by the person giving the sacrifice and shared with others, especially during New Moon celebrations.

[129] 16:37 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[130] 16:38 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[131] 16:39 Lord's Tent Or, "Tabernacle." Also called the "Meeting Tent." The people would go to this tent to meet with God. They used this tent until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.

[132] 16:39 high place A place of worship usually on top of a hill, a mountain, or a man-made platform. Although high places were sometimes used for the worship of Yahweh, they are most often associated with pagan worship of false gods.

[133] 16:40 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[134] 16:41 Praise . Forever See 2 Chron. 7:6, Ps. 118 and 136.

[135] 16:42 cymbals A pair of circular metal plates that are hit against each other to make a loud sound.

[136] 17:1 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[137] 17:10 I tell . a house for you This does not mean a real house. It means the Lord would make men from David's family kings for many years.

[138] 17:11 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[139] 17:15 vision Something like a dream used by God to speak to people.

[140] 18:2 tribute Money paid to a foreign king or nation for protection.

[141] 18:4 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[142] 18:6 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[143] 18:8 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[144] 18:11 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[145] 18:16 scribe Originally, an educated man who was skilled in reading and writing. By New Testament times scribes had become a distinct social and political group. Because of their work in copying the Scriptures and writing down explanations of the law of Moses, many became experts in the law and were respected as teachers, lawyers, or judges.

[146] 18:17 Kerethites and Pelethites These were the king's bodyguards.

[147] 19:4 cut off their beards It was against the Law of Moses for an Israelite man to cut off his beard.

[148] 19:6 75,000 pounds Literally, "1000 talents" (34,500 kg).

[149] 19:6 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[150] 19:6 Mesopotamia Literally, "Aram Naharaim."

[151] 20:1 In the spring Literally, "At the return of the year."

[152] 20:2 their king's Or, "Milcom," the god of the Ammonite people.

[153] 20:2 75 pounds Literally, "1 talent" (34.5 kg).

[154] 20:5 loom A machine used for making cloth.

[155] 21:1 Satan Or, "An adversary." Someone who was against the king.

[156] 21:9-10 seer A kind of prophet (see "prophet") who received messages from God in visions.

[157] 21:15 threshing Putting newly harvested wheat or other grain on a hard floor and walking on it or beating it with special tools to separate the hulls from the grain.

[158] 21:15 Jebusite A person who lived in Jerusalem before the Israelites took the city. "Jebus" was the old name for Jerusalem.

[159] 21:16 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[160] 21:18 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[161] 21:20 threshing Putting newly harvested wheat or other grain on a hard floor and walking on it or beating it with special tools to separate the hulls from the grain.

[162] 21:23 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[163] 21:25 15 pounds Literally, "600 shekels" (6.9 kg).

[164] 21:26 fellowship offering An offering to God that was also eaten by the person giving the sacrifice and shared with others, especially during New Moon celebrations.

[165] 21:27 sheath A leather or metal case for carrying a sword or knife.

[166] 21:29 Holy Tent Or "Tabernacle," the special tent described in the law of Moses, where God lived among his people and where the Israelite priests performed their worship duties. It was often called the "Meeting Tent" because it was where the Israelites went to meet with God. It was used until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.

[167] 21:29 high place A place of worship usually on top of a hill, a mountain, or a man-made platform. Although high places were sometimes used for the worship of Yahweh, they are most often associated with pagan worship of false gods.

[168] 22:1 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[169] 22:2 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[170] 22:9 Solomon This name is like the Hebrew word meaning "peace."

[171] 22:14 3750 tons Literally, "100,000 talents" (3450 metric tons).

[172] 22:14 37,500 tons Literally, "1,000,000 talents" (34,500 metric tons).

[173] 22:19 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[174] 22:19 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[175] 23:2 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[176] 23:4 temple Here, this means the Holy Tent at Shiloh where people went to worship the Lord. Also in verses 24, 28.

[177] 23:13 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[178] 23:13 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[179] 23:14 man of God Another title for a prophet. See "prophet."

[180] 23:26 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[181] 23:26 Holy Tent Or "Tabernacle," the special tent described in the law of Moses, where God lived among his people and where the Israelite priests performed their worship duties. It was often called the "Meeting Tent" because it was where the Israelites went to meet with God. It was used until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.

[182] 23:28 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[183] 23:31 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[184] 23:31 New Moon The first day of the month for Israelites or Jews, which they celebrated as a special day of rest and worship. The people met together and shared in the fellowship offerings like those described in Lev. 7:16-21.

[185] 23:32 Holy Place The room in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and in the Temple that was used by the Israelite priests to do their daily service for God.

[186] 24:5 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[187] 24:5 Holy Place The room in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and in the Temple that was used by the Israelite priests to do their daily service for God.

[188] 24:6 secretary A man who wrote down and copied books and letters.

[189] 24:6 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[190] 24:19 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[191] 24:26 The Hebrew in verses 26 and 27 is hard to understand.

[192] 24:30 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[193] 24:31 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[194] 25:1 prophesy To speak or teach things from God.

[195] 25:1 lyre A musical instrument with strings, like a harp.

[196] 25:1 cymbals A pair of circular metal plates that are hit against each other to make a loud sound.

[197] 25:5 seer A kind of prophet (see "prophet") who received messages from God in visions.

[198] 25:6 temple Here, this means the Holy Tent at Shiloh where people went to worship the Lord.

[199] 25:8 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[200] 26:5 Obed Edom God blessed Obed Edom when the Box of the Agreement stayed at his house. See 1 Chron. 21.

[201] 26:10 firstborn The first child born into a family. The first son was very important in ancient times and became the head of the family at the father's death. It can also mean a person of special importance.

[202] 26:12 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[203] 26:13 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[204] 26:17 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[205] 26:18 court We don't know the exact meaning of this word.

[206] 26:20 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[207] 26:20 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[208] 26:28 seer A kind of prophet (see "prophet") who received messages from God in visions.

[209] 27:24 Joab . did not finish God stopped him. See 1 Chron. 21:1-30.

[210] 27:27 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[211] 27:32 scribe Originally, an educated man who was skilled in reading and writing. By New Testament times scribes had become a distinct social and political group. Because of their work in copying the Scriptures and writing down explanations of the law of Moses, many became experts in the law and were respected as teachers, lawyers, or judges.

[212] 28:2 Box of the Lord's Agreement See "Box of the Agreement."

[213] 28:2 footstool Usually this was a small stool in front of a chair, but here, it means the Temple. It is as if God were the king sitting in his chair and resting his feet on the building David wanted to build.

[214] 28:6 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[215] 28:6 I will be his father This showed that God was making Solomon the king. See Ps. 2:7.

[216] 28:10 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[217] 28:11 mercy-cover The top part of the Box of the Agreement. The Hebrew word can mean "lid," "cover," or "the place where sins are atoned (covered, erased, or forgiven)."

[218] 28:13 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[219] 28:18 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[220] 28:18 Cherub angels Winged beings like angels that serve God, usually as guards around his throne or other holy places. Two statues of these beings were on the cover of the Box of the Agreement that represented God's presence. See Ex. 25:10-22.

[221] 29:2 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[222] 29:2 onyx A precious stone with layers of blue or gray.

[223] 29:2 settings The frames that stones are mounted in.

[224] 29:2 mosaic tiles Literally, "stones set in mortar."

[225] 29:3 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[226] 29:4 110 tons Literally, "3000 talents" (103,500 kg).

[227] 29:4 263 tons Literally, "7000 talents" (241,500 kg).

[228] 29:7 190 tons Literally, "5000 talents and 10,000 darics" (172.59 metric tons).

[229] 29:7 375 tons Literally, "10,000 talents" (345 metric tons).

[230] 29:7 675 tons Literally, "18,000 talents" (621 metric tons).

[231] 29:7 3750 tons Literally, "100,000 talents" (3450 metric tons).

[232] 29:15 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[233] 29:18 Israel Another name for Jacob. See Gen. 32:28.

[234] 29:21 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving, or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[235] 29:21 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[236] 29:22 And they made . time Solomon was chosen to be king the first time when his half-brother Adonijah tried to make himself king. See 1 Kings 1:5-39.

[237] 29:22 anoint To pour a special oil on people or things to show that they have been chosen by God and set apart for a special work or purpose.

[238] 29:29 seer A kind of prophet (see "prophet") who received messages from God in visions.

[239] 29:29 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.
