Psalms 99

99 <1> The Lord is King,

so let the nations shake with fear.

God sits as King above the Cherub angels,[530]

so let the world shake with fear.

<2> The Lord in Zion[531] is great!

He is the great leader over all people.

<3> Let all the nations praise your name.

Your name is great and awesome.

Your name is holy.

<4> The powerful King loves justice.

God, you made goodness.

You brought goodness and fairness to Jacob.[532]

<5> Praise the Lord our God,

and bow down before his footstool,[533] for he is holy.

<6> Moses and Aaron were some of his priests,

and Samuel was one of the men who called on his name.

They prayed to the Lord,

and he answered them.

<7> God spoke from the tall cloud,

and they obeyed his commands

and the Law he gave them.

<8> Lord our God, you answered their prayers.

You showed them that you are a forgiving God

and that you punish people for the evil they do.

<9> Praise the Lord our God.

Bow down toward his holy mountain and worship him.

The Lord our God is holy!

