Psalms 9


To the director.[41] Alamoth of Ben.[42] A song of David.[43]

<1> I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart.

I will tell about the wonderful things you have done.

<2> You make me happy, so I will rejoice in you.

God Most High, I praise your name.

<3> My enemies turned to run from you,

but they fell and were destroyed.

<4> You listened to me from your throne like a good judge,

and you decided that I was right.

<5> You told the nations how wrong they were.

You destroyed those evil people.

You erased their names

from our memory forever and ever.

<6> The enemy is finished!

You destroyed their cities.

There is nothing left to remind us of them.

<7> The Lord set up his throne to bring justice,

and he will rule forever.

<8> He judges everyone on earth fairly.

He judges all nations honestly.

<9> Many people are suffering-

crushed by the weight of their troubles.

But the Lord is a refuge for them,

a safe place they can run to.

<10> Lord, those who know your name

come to you for protection.

And when they come,

you do not leave them without help.

<11> Sing praises to the Lord

who sits as King in Zion.[44]

Tell the other nations

about the great things he has done.

<12> He punishes murderers

and remembers those who go to him for help

When those poor people cry for help,

he does not forget them.

<13> I said this prayer to God:

"Lord, be kind to me.

See how my enemies are hurting me?

Save me from the 'gates of death.'

<14> Then, at the gates of Jerusalem,[45]

I can sing praises to you.

I will be so happy because you saved me."

<15> Those other nations have fallen into the pit they dug to catch others.

They have been caught in their own trap.

<16> The Lord showed that he judges fairly.

The wicked were caught by what they did to hurt others.

Higgayon[46] Selah[47]

<17> The wicked will go to the place of death,

as will all the nations that forget God.

<18> It may seem that those who are poor and needy have been forgotten,

but God will not forget them.

He will not leave them without hope.

<19> Lord, get up[48] and judge the nations.

Don't let anyone think they can win against you.

<20> Teach them a lesson.

Let them know they are only human.

