Psalms 79


One of Asaph's songs of praise.

<1> God, some people from other nations came to fight your people.

They ruined your holy Temple.[451]

They left Jerusalem in ruins.

<2> The enemy left the bodies of your servants

for the wild birds to eat.

They left the bodies of your followers

for wild animals to eat.

<3> God, the enemy killed your people

until the blood flowed like water.

No one is left to bury the dead bodies.

<4> The countries around us insult us.

The people around us laugh at us and make fun of us.

<5> Lord, will you be angry with us forever?

Will your strong feelings[452] continue to burn like a fire?

<6> Turn your anger against the nations

that do not know you,

that do not honor you as God.

<7> Those nations killed Jacob's[453] family

and destroyed their land.

<8> Please don't punish us for the sins of our ancestors.[454]

Hurry, show us your mercy!

We need you so much!

<9> Our God and Savior, help us!

Help us! Save us!

That will bring glory to your name.

Erase our sins for the good of your name.

<10> Don't let other nations say to us:

"Where is your God?

Can't he help you?"

Punish those people so we can see it.

Punish them for killing your servants.

<11> Listen to the sad moans of the prisoners!

Use your great power to free those who are sentenced to die.

<12> Punish the nations around us!

Pay them back seven times for what they did to us.

Punish them for insulting you.

<13> We are your people, the sheep of your flock.

We will praise you forever.

We will praise you forever and ever!

