Psalms 52


To the director.[287] A maskil[288] of David when Doeg the Edomite went to Saul and told him, "David is in Ahimelech's house."

<1> Great warrior, why are bragging about the evil you did?

You are a disgrace to God.

<2> You are nothing but a hired killer,[289]

making plans to hurt people and making up lies!

<3> You love evil more than goodness.

You love lying more than truth.


<4> You and your lying tongue

love to hurt people.

<5> So God will ruin you forever!

He will grab you

and pull you from your home,[291]

like someone pulling a plant out of the ground, roots and all![292]

<6> Good people will see this

and will learn to fear and respect God.

They will laugh at you and say,

<7> "Look what happened to the warrior who did not depend on God.

That fool thought his wealth and lies

would protect him."

<8> But I am like a green olive tree growing in God's Temple.[293]

I will trust God's faithful love forever and ever.

<9> God, I praise you forever for what you have done.

I will speak your name[294] before your followers because it is so good!
