Psalms 29


A song of David.[152]

<1> Praise the Lord, you heavenly angels[153]!

Praise the Lord's glory[154] and power.

<2> Praise the Lord and honor his name!

Worship the Lord in your special clothes.[155]

<3> The Lord raises his voice at the sea.

The voice of our glorious God

is like thunder over the great ocean.

<4> The Lord's voice is powerful.

It shows the Lord's glory.

<5> The Lord's voice shatters great cedar trees.

He breaks the great cedars of Lebanon.

<6> He makes Lebanon shake like a young calf dancing.

Sirion[156] trembles like a young bull jumping up and down.

<7> The Lord's voice cuts the air

with flashes of lightning.

<8> The Lord's voice shakes the desert.

Kadesh Desert[157] trembles at the Lord's voice.

<9> The Lord's voice frightens the deer.[158]

He destroys the forests.

In his temple everyone shouts,

"Glory to God!"

<10> The Lord ruled as king at the time of the flood,

and he will rule as king forever.

<11> May the Lord make his people strong.

May the Lord bless his people with peace.
