Psalms 25

25 [134]

David's [song].

<1> Lord, I put my life in your hands.[135]

<2> My God, I trust in you,

and I will not be disappointed.

My enemies will not laugh at me.

<3> No one who trusts in you will be disappointed.

But traitors[136] will be disappointed.

They will get nothing.

<4> Lord, help me learn your ways.

Show me how you want me to live.

<5> Guide me and teach me your truths.

You are my God, my Savior.

You are the one I have been waiting for.

<6> Remember to be kind to me, Lord.

Show me the tender love that you have always had.

<7> Don't remember the sinful things I did when I was young.

For your good name, Lord,

remember me with your faithful love.

<8> The Lord is good and does what is right.

He shows sinners the right way to live.

<9> He teaches his ways to humble people.

He leads them with fairness.

<10> The Lord is kind and true to those

who obey what he said in his Agreement.

<11> Lord, I have done many things wrong.

I am guilty, but to show your goodness,

forgive me for everything I did.

<12> When people choose to follow the Lord,

he shows them the best way to live.

<13> They will enjoy good things,

and their children will keep the land God promised to give them.

<14> The Lord tells his secrets to his followers.

He teaches them about his Agreement.

<15> I always look to the Lord for help.

Only he can free me from my troubles.[137]

<16> I am hurt and lonely.

Turn to me, and show me mercy.

<17> Free me from my troubles.

Help me solve my problems.

<18> Look at my trials and troubles.

Forgive me for all the sins I have done.

<19> Look at all the enemies I have.

They hate me and want to hurt me.

<20> Protect me! Save me from them!

I come to you for protection, so don't disappoint me.

<21> You are good and do what is right.

I trust you to protect me.

<22> God, save the people of Israel[138] from all their enemies.
