Psalms 22


To the director.[106] To the tune of "The Deer of Dawn."[107] A song of David.[108]

<1> My God, my God,

why did you leave me?

Are you too far away to save me,

too far to hear my cries for help?

<2> My God, I kept calling by day,

and I was not silent at night.

But you did not answer me.

<3> God, you are the Holy One.

You sit as King upon the praises of Israel.[109]

<4> Our ancestors[110] trusted you.

Yes, they trusted you, and you saved them.

<5> Our ancestors called to you for help,

and they escaped their enemies.

They trusted you,

and they were not disappointed!

<6> But I feel like a worm, less than human!

People insult me and look down on me.

<7> Everyone who sees me makes fun of me.

They shake their heads and stick out their tongues at me.

<8> They say, "Call to the Lord for help.

Maybe he will save you.

If he likes you so much,

then surely he will rescue you!"

<9> God, the truth is

you really are the one I depend on.

You have taken care of me

since the day I was born.

You assured and comforted me

while I was still at my mother's breasts.

<10> You have been my God

since the day I was born.

I was thrown into your arms

as I came from my mother's womb.

<11> So don't leave me!

Trouble is near, and there is no one to help me.

<12> My enemies have surrounded me

like angry bulls.

<13> Their mouths are opened wide,

like a lion roaring and tearing at its prey.

<14> My strength is gone,

like water poured out on the ground.

My bones have separated.

My courage is gone.[111]

<15> My mouth[112] is as dry as a piece of baked pottery.

My tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth.

You have left me dying in the dust.

<16> The "dogs" are all around me-

a pack[113] of evil people has trapped me.

They have pierced my hands and my feet.[114]

<17> I can see each one of my bones.

My enemies are looking at me;

they just keep staring.

<18> They divide my clothes among them,

and they throw lots[115] for what I am wearing.

<19> Lord, don't leave me!

You are my strength- hurry and help me!

<20> Save me from the sword.

Save my precious life from these dogs.

<21> Rescue me from the lion's mouth.

Protect me from the bulls' horns.[116]

<22> I will tell my people about you.

I will praise you in the great assembly.

<23> Praise the Lord, all you who worship him!

Honor him, you descendants of Jacob[117]!

Fear and respect him, all you people of Israel,[118]

<24> because he is not ashamed of the poor.

He does not hate them.

He does not turn away from them.

He listens when they cry for help.

<25> Lord, my praise in the great assembly

comes from you.

In front of all these worshipers

I will offer the sacrifices that I promised.

<26> Poor people, come eat and be satisfied.[119]

You who have come looking for the Lord, praise him!

May your hearts be happy[120] forever.

<27> May those in faraway countries

remember the Lord

and come back to him.

May those in distant lands worship him,

<28> because the Lord is the King.

He rules all nations.

<29> The people have eaten all they wanted

and bowed down to worship the Lord.

Yes, everyone will bow down to him-

those who are on the way to the grave

and those who are not yet alive.

<30> Our descendants will serve him.

Those who are not yet born will be told about him.

<31> Each generation will tell their children

about the good things our Master has done.
