Psalms 141


A praise song of David.[654]

<1> Lord, I call to you for help.

Listen to me as I pray.

Please hurry and help me!

<2> Accept my prayer

like a gift of burning incense,

the words I lift up like an evening sacrifice.[655]

<3> Lord, help me control what I say.

Don't let me say anything bad.

<4> Take away any desire to do evil.

Keep me from joining the wicked in doing wrong.

Help me stay away from their feasts.

<5> If good people correct me,

I will consider it a good thing.

If they criticize me,

I will accept it like a warm welcome.[656]

But my prayer will always be

against the wicked people and the evil they do.

<6> Let their judges be put to death.[657]

Then everyone will know that I told the truth.

<7> Like rocks in a field that a farmer has plowed,

so will our bones be scattered in the grave.

<8> Lord my Master, I look to you for help.

I look to you for protection; don't let me die.

<9> Those evil people are trying to trap me.

Don't let me fall into their traps.

<10> Let the wicked fall into their own traps,

while I walk away unharmed.

