Psalms 104

104 <1> My soul, praise the Lord!

Lord my God, you are very great!

You are clothed with glory[540] and honor.

<2> You wear light like a person wears a robe.

You spread the skies like a curtain.

<3> You built your home above them.[541]

You use the thick clouds like a chariot[542]

and ride across the sky on the wings of the wind.

<4> You make the winds your messengers

and flames of fire your servants.[543]

<5> You built the earth on its foundations,

so it can never be moved.

<6> You covered it with water like a blanket.

The water covered even the mountains.

<7> But you gave the command,

and the water turned back.

You shouted at the water,

and it rushed away.

<8> The water flowed down from the mountains into the valleys,

to the places that you made for it.

<9> You set the limits for the seas,

and the water will never again rise to cover the earth.

<10> Lord, you cause water to flow

from the springs into the streams.

It flows down through the mountain streams.

<11> The streams provide water for all the wild animals.

Even the wild donkeys come there to drink.

<12> Wild birds come to live by the pools;

they sing in the branches of nearby trees.

<13> God sends rain down onto the mountains.

The earth gets everything it needs from what he has made.

<14> He makes the grass grow to feed the animals.

He provides the plants for us to grow- the plants that give us food from the earth.

<15> He gives us the wine that makes us happy,

the oil that makes our skin soft,[544]

and the food that makes us strong.

<16> The great cedar trees of Lebanon

belong to the Lord.

The Lord planted those trees,

and he gives them the water they need.

<17> Birds make their nests in those trees.

Large storks live in the fir trees.

<18> The high mountains are a home

for wild goats.

The large rocks are hiding places

for rock badgers.

<19> God, you made the moon

to show us when the festivals begin.

And the sun always knows when to set.

<20> You made darkness to be the night-

the time when wild animals come out and roam around.

<21> Lions roar as they attack,

as if they are asking God for the food he gives them.

<22> Then the sun rises, and the animals

go back to their homes and rest.

<23> Then people go out to do their work,

and they work until evening.

<24> Lord, you created many wonderful things.

You used wisdom to make them all.

The earth is filled with things you made.

<25> Look at the ocean. It is so big!

So many things live there!

There are creatures large and small-

too many to count!

<26> Ships travel over the ocean while

Leviathan,[545] the sea creature you made, plays there in the sea.

<27> God, all these things depend on you.

You give them food at the right time.

<28> You give all the living things

the food they eat.

You open your hands that are filled with good food,

and they eat until they are full.

<29> When you turn away from them,

they become frightened.

When you take away their breath,[546]

they grow weak and die

and their bodies return to the dust.

<30> But when you send out your life-giving breath,[547]

things come alive, and the world is like new again!

<31> May the Lord's glory continue forever!

May the Lord enjoy what he made.

<32> He can just look at the earth,

and it will tremble.

He can just touch the mountains,

and smoke will rise from them.

<33> I will sing to the Lord for the rest of my life.

I will sing praises to my God as long as I live.

<34> May my words make him happy.

I am happy with the Lord.

<35> I wish sinners would disappear from the earth.

I wish the wicked would be gone forever.

My soul, praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

