[1] 1:3 name In Hebrew this word sounds like the word "perfume."

[2] 1:5 Kedar and Salma Arabian tribes. For "Salma" the Hebrew has "Solomon," but compare "Salma, Salmon" in Ruth 4:20-21.

[3] 1:6 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[4] 1:6 myself Literally, "my own vineyard."

[5] 1:7 hired woman Or, "a woman wearing a veil." This might mean a prostitute.

[6] 1:9 mare . stallions Female and male horses. Only male horses were used to pull chariots.

[7] 1:9 Literally, "To a mare among Pharaoh's chariots I compare you, my darling."

[8] 1:10-11 headband We don't know the exact meaning of this Hebrew word. It might be a headband with decorations dangling at the cheeks.

[9] 1:13 myrrh Sweet-smelling sap from the bark of trees or other plants that was used for perfume and also to prepare bodies for burial. Mixed with wine, it was probably used to relieve pain (Mk. 15:23).

[10] 1:14 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[11] 1:16 fresh and pleasant Or, "lush and green" like a fresh field of grass.

[12] 2:1 crocus on the plain Or, "a rose of Sharon."

[13] 2:1 lily A kind of flower. Here, it is probably a red flower.

[14] 2:5 raisins Or, "raisin cakes."

[15] 2:5 I am weak with love Or, "I am lovesick."

[16] 2:7 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[17] 2:7 until I am ready Literally, "until it desires."

[18] 2:9 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[19] 2:9 lattice A wooden screen over a window.

[20] 2:12 sing Or, "prune."

[21] 2:15 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[22] 2:17 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[23] 2:17 the cleft mountains Or, "the mountains of Bether" or "the mountains of spice."

[24] 3:4 bore Or, "taught." See 8:2.

[25] 3:5 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[26] 3:5 until I am ready Literally, "until it desires."

[27] 3:6 woman coming from the desert See 8:5.

[28] 3:6 myrrh Sweet-smelling sap from the bark of trees or other plants that was used for perfume and also to prepare bodies for burial. Mixed with wine, it was probably used to relieve pain (Mk. 15:23).

[29] 3:6 frankincense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God. See "incense."

[30] 3:6 spices Literally, "powders of the trader." These were imported spices and incense.

[31] 3:7 traveling chair A kind of chair that the rich traveled in. These chairs were covered and had poles that slaves used to carry them. Also in verse 9.

[32] 3:11 crown This might be a wreath of flowers he wore on his head at his wedding.

[33] 4:2 ewes Female goats.

[34] 4:3 pomegranate A red fruit filled with tiny seeds, each covered with a sweet, juicy part of the fruit.

[35] 4:4 Your neck . decorated Or, "Your neck is like David's tower, built with rows of stone." This would mean she wore many necklaces, one above the other, which looked like rows of stone in a tower.

[36] 4:5 fawn A baby deer.

[37] 4:5 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[38] 4:6 myrrh Sweet-smelling sap from the bark of trees or other plants that was used for perfume and also to prepare bodies for burial. Mixed with wine, it was probably used to relieve pain (Mk. 15:23).

[39] 4:6 frankincense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God. See "incense."

[40] 4:8 Amana The name of a mountain in Lebanon.

[41] 4:8 Senir The Amorite word for "Snow Mountain." This means Mount Hermon.

[42] 4:9 darling Literally, "sister." Also in verses 10, 11; 5:1, 2.

[43] 4:11 perfume Or, "Lebanon."

[44] 4:13 henna A plant with sweet-smelling, blue-yellow flowers that grows in clusters (groups) like grapes.

[45] 4:14 nard Very expensive oil from the root of the nard plant. It was used as a perfume.

[46] 4:14 saffron A kind of yellow flower used in making perfume.

[47] 4:14 calamus A kind of reed plant used in making perfume.

[48] 4:14 cinnamon A kind of plant used as a spice and in making perfume.

[49] 4:14 aloes The oil from a sweet-smelling wood that was used to make perfume (Ps. 45:8; Prov. 7:17) or the bitter juice from a cactus-like plant that was used to prepare bodies for burial (Jn. 19:39).

[50] 5:1 myrrh Sweet-smelling sap from the bark of trees or other plants that was used for perfume and also to prepare bodies for burial. Mixed with wine, it was probably used to relieve pain (Mk. 15:23).

[51] 5:3 robe Or, "veil," a piece of cloth used to cover a person's face. Also in verse 7.

[52] 5:4 put his hand through the opening Or, "pulled his hand from the opening." In one sense, this might refer to a lock and key. Some ancient keys were shaped like a hand. The key was inserted through a hole in the door, and the "fingers" fit into special holes that allowed the bolt to slide, locking and unlocking the door.

[53] 5:4 I felt sorry for him Literally, "My insides stirred for him."

[54] 5:5 myrrh Sweet-smelling sap from the bark of trees or other plants that was used for perfume and also to prepare bodies for burial. Mixed with wine, it was probably used to relieve pain (Mk. 15:23).

[55] 5:6 I nearly died . went Or, "My soul left when he spoke."

[56] 5:8 I am weak with love Or, "I am lovesick."

[57] 5:13 lily A kind of flower. Here, it is probably a red flower.

[58] 5:13 myrrh Sweet-smelling sap from the bark of trees or other plants that was used for perfume and also to prepare bodies for burial. Mixed with wine, it was probably used to relieve pain (Mk. 15:23).

[59] 5:14 sapphire A rare and valuable blue stone.

[60] 6:4 Tirzah One of the capital cities of northern Israel.

[61] 6:4 fortified cities We are not sure of the exact meaning of the Hebrew word here and in verse 10.

[62] 6:6 ewes Female goats.

[63] 6:7 pomegranate A red fruit filled with tiny seeds, each covered with a sweet, juicy part of the fruit.

[64] 6:8 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[65] 6:10 the armies in the sky We are not sure of the exact meaning of the Hebrew word here and in verse 4.

[66] 6:11 pomegranate A red fruit filled with tiny seeds, each covered with a sweet, juicy part of the fruit.

[67] 6:12 Before I realized it In Hebrew this verse is very hard to understand.

[68] 6:12 chariots Small wagons used in war. But here, this might mean one of the traveling chairs, as in 3:7.

[69] 6:12 the king's people Or, "Amminadib" or "my kingly people."

[70] 6:13 Shulamith Or, "Shulamite." The word might be the feminine form of the name "Solomon." This could mean she was or would become the bride of Solomon. This name might also mean "perfect," "at peace," or "woman from Shunem."

[71] 6:13 Mahanaim dance Or, "the victory dance" or "the dance of the two camps."

[72] 7:1 Princess Literally, "Bath Nadib, Daughter of a prince." This is like the word "Amminadib" in 6:12.

[73] 7:2 round cup Or, "turned bowl," a stone bowl made on a lathe and used for mixing wine before it is poured into cups. This might also mean a bowl shaped like a crescent or half-moon.

[74] 7:3 fawn A baby deer.

[75] 7:3 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[76] 7:8 fragrance Literally, "breath of your nose."

[77] 7:12 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[78] 7:12 pomegranate A red fruit filled with tiny seeds, each covered with a sweet, juicy part of the fruit.

[79] 7:13 mandrakes Plants with roots that look like people. People thought these plants had the power to make people fall in love.

[80] 8:2 pomegranate A red fruit filled with tiny seeds, each covered with a sweet, juicy part of the fruit.

[81] 8:4 until I am ready Literally, "until it desires."

[82] 8:6 seal . signet ring Things that were pressed into clay or hot wax to leave a special mark. This mark was like a person's signature, so it was very important not to lose these things.

[83] 8:6 the grave Or, "Sheol," the place where dead people go.

[84] 8:6 great fire Or, "the flame of the Lord."

[85] 8:9 trim Or, "supports." Often horizontal beams and towers were built into walls to strengthen and support them. But here, this seems to be a decoration.

[86] 8:10 he is satisfied with me Literally, "in his eyes I find peace." In Hebrew this is also like the names "Solomon" and "Shulamith."

[87] 8:11 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[88] 8:11 1000 shekels About 25 pounds (11.5 kg). Also in verse 12.

[89] 8:14 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.
